1. A letter to your favorite school teacher

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Respected sir,

I hope you and your family are doing well. It has been 7 years since I attended your last class but the memories are still fresh in my mind.

The first day of your class, you inspired me so much with your knowledge and the way of your teaching struck a cord in me.

One random day, you said "shabash" to a question that I answered correctly.
It is this moment that is forever etched in my mind.
After that, I was driven by a force that compelled me to double-triple my efforts in my work.

Slowly the efforts started showing. I gained more of your praise and increased my works more and more.

I was inspired by how you always knew something a little extra about everything.
You not only taught us your subject but also the insights into other subjects, life, values, morals, and so much more.
I wanted to be more like you.
I started scoring good marks. Soon I was top of my class. The adrenaline of being at the top and the respect that came with it made a huge impact on me.
Since then I have rarely looked back.

Today I am a good human being with a good life.
Your part will always be very significant in my journey.

Whenever someone talks about school and teachers, my mind always conjures your picture.

I want to thank you sir for that random act of appreciation you threw at me. And thank you for all those subsequent acts of motivation for me.

Even today, when I have problems in my life, your voice comes from the background encouraging me to fight through it.

You have given me lifelong valuable teachings for which I am very grateful.

I hope I made you proud.
I wish someday I get to repay some of your kindness.

Wishing you a life full of health and happiness.

Yours obediently,
Your student.

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