Episode Eighty-Four

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With little to no chance of even beginning to try and locate where you possibly are as your attention gets stolen by a Chevrolet Corvette Stingray pulling up alongside you on the road. The windows are tinted it's hard for you to figure out who's driving the car but after the game of tag you've been playing you can only assume it's Killian or one of his goons.

"For crying out loud seriously?! Do you guys just sit around and wait in random places you all really... Really need to get a hobby, and I need a new pair of lungs if I'm going through all of that again." You take another gasp of breath ready to go the run again and just as quick as you inhale you excrete it just as quick from the confusion when the driver shows their face to you. "I would like to get a hobby but I'm too busy having to find you every five minutes." Still surprised and trying to take everything in you then say "oh hey Nat... You're not who I thought or was expecting to see but a pleasant surprise I must say." Knowing already you've been up to some kind of trouble as she sees you exhausted wiping off the sweat off your forehead. "Been staying out of trouble?" to which you reply "oh... You know me just casually playing tag well no extreme tag by the looks of it now but don't worry i of course won." Not fazed in the slightest Natasha then says "wasn't worried not sure why i should be but as you're here do you want a lift or are you going to fly instead?" stopping yourself in time as you can no longer do the answer you were going to tell her, especially as at the moment only Bruce knows the truth unless Bruce being Bruce slipped up and this is a test as she knows you can't. Quickly you try to think of an excuse for the hold up on the question. That's when you pat your pocket and hear the sound of your savoir as you pull out your keys. "No need for either because I left my bike back at the hospital because of the extreme tag." However you watch as her eyes begin to narrow at trying to catch you in your lie which she does but not the way you were expecting her to. "I think you mean my bike! Which you stole without asking me!" you then reply saying "isn't that the basic definition of stealing? Wait... So that's how you found me? You actually tracked down the bike?" annoyed Natasha argues "it's my bike! Now get in the car or I'm leaving!" not in the mood to go all the way back to the hospital just to get the motorbike back when Tony could literally fly over and take it back. "Well... Seeing as you're the one driving, I think I will take that offer only fair as you were supposed to every other time." Not even getting a chance to go and get into the car Natasha honks the horn at you. "Come on already! Get in and stop standing around talking or I will drive off without you and don't think I won't." To which you reply "I'm coming to calm down." But as soon as your hand latches onto the door handle Natasha lightly presses her foot down on the accelerator ripping the handle out of your grasp. "Come on y/n i haven't got all day." Yet again when you walk back up to the door she repeats it again, with the window wide open you can hear Natasha trying to contain her own amusement.

Mimicking her voice you say "come on y/n i haven't got all day." Turning back into your voice "it seems like you very much do have all day to do this." Stopping herself from laughing "okay I'm finished can you get into the car now." Unsure to trust her you lock eyes with her as you lace your fingers onto the handle once again unsteady to try again just like every obstacle course that's been displayed in front of you. "Y/N...?" snapping back to reality you say "If you drive one more time when i am not in this car i will go back to that hospital and break your motorcycle." The two of you share a laugh as you take her proposition by going into the car as she chooses to keep her word and not to drive off. With the windows down the fresh air flows into the car bringing the freshness of the country air to your senses, but it also slides its way up along your sleeve gently cooling your wrist down discreetly. As the two of you sit in silence you chose time to also joke with Natasha as you say, "not going to taser me again are you?" with a smile on her face Natasha says "don't give me a reason to." Though your plan was to make a joke now it's become something else, a debate and argument that's still up for debate. "Are you kidding me?! I didn't give you a reason last time!" answering your question you asked first Natasha says "you might have given me a good reason but you just don't remember or is that the reason? You're not remembering. I guess you'll never know but it was fun." Annoyed with her you then say "It was fun?! FUN?! I'll let you know that little fucker of a trick of yours hurts!" thinking that'll justify her actions in the slightest she says to you "it wasn't my idea it was Tony's so can't shoot the messenger." Afterwards she gave you this smirk but it wasn't just a smirk. That smirk of hers brings out a sense of mischief, of innocent fun, and in that moment you want to let it go and maybe in another life or to who you once was may have let it go but the person you are can't in this very moment.

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