Episode Eighty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Nowhere to run now." The chance to say anything back to that even gets a moment to sink into your brain as you jump up off the ground fearful as the snake hiss pierces through your ears, "Didn't feel like running anymore anyways though what I do feel like doing is probably changing your name to Tom... You know, like Tom Riddle, he owned a massive snake as well as not read the books?" choosing not to answer your question or to take any notice of you asking one in the first place he says instead "Killian isn't happy with you!" and like the bullies in the playground they all begin to circle around you and though your very highly outnumbered by two extra people you try to remain calm. "See i already knew that see i kinda have that effect on people especially him so please tell me something i don't know." Thinking of a way out of this your thoughts get side tracked but for some good news see as you were on the run you kept your comms the whole time and almost forgetting about it you get the good news from Steve that you've been waiting to hear all this time. "I got Wanda out." Knowing the only way out you can take is to fight them in some form you get your mark ready and that's when it hits you... Literally as you move your foot behind you ready to attack you hear the metal clang your foot makes as it rolls out a metal pole besides you. "So... Is that all you guys have to say or-" cutting you off 'Dave' or 'Tom' says "Oh no. He said this as well- '' That's when it starts his eyes begin to glow signalling you as a heads up for what's going to happen, "yeah... I really don't care what he says anymore, it was a rhetorical question." Fire comes as a golden ball, igniting from the palm of his hands towards your face before the heat takes any damage you tuck and roll out of the way grasping hold of the pole. With fire still shooting out of 'Dave's' hand you roll out from behind one of the other attackers using him as your own personal shield with the pole in one hand and the other clung onto his shirt as you push him towards the flame. Though it won't kill him you know that but it will hurt like a bitch for him now close enough to get a good enough hit at him you swing the pole around 'Dave's' head it doesn't knock him out but is enough to cause him to stop needing a shield.

Dropping his body to the ground and tightening your grip so that you can brace yourself for at the moment the last man standing. He charges towards you like a baseball and the pole in your hand being the bat ready to swing right in the middle of his head. "See I would blast you but this is already too much fun and very... Very! Good way to release my anger management." In the right place to get the perfect hit your concentration goes right down the alley as Steve takes it away once again as he takes over your ear "did you hear me y/n? Is the comms working?'' His words being a distraction makes you miss your shot allowing you to be rugby tackled to the ground bouncing your weapon away from you. "Fucking hell! You're so needy, yes I heard you but I'm a little busy so hang on a minute! Now you keep your lava breath inside your fucking dragon gob!" Steve replies "my dragon what?" ignoring him you smash your head with his but relentlessly claims hold of your throat crushing onto your airwaves not wanting to kill you just enough to knock you out. Refusing that fate you reach one of your hands out trying to find an object nearby. "Y/N it's been a while is everything okay?! What's your status?!" finally finding a rock of some kind you let it meet its destiny to the side of his head letting him have a well rested nap. "My status is pissed off! Right I can talk now so what was it we were talking about again? That's it Wanda! Great, you got her out, you want a medal?!" noticing that though they're all knocked out to some degree they heal a lot faster so once again you're on the move.

Over the sound of your panting you hear Steve still talking to you "well I'm glad to hear from you still letting me know you're not dead which saves me having to tell Wanda that news though it may have done the trick and have her woken up." When your path ends at an open road you turn to see if nobody is following you from behind, "i think that's far away from them now god I've never ran so much in my life!" and the coast being clear you take the time to reply to Steve, "who are you to judge that this isn't my ghost coming to haunt you slowly making you crazy as you believe that I'm still alive." Intercepting your comms conversation with Steve, Bruce talks to you "y/n? Tony is on his way back." Not really sure where it is you then say to Bruce "I uh... Might be a bit late on that one Bruce but I have you know that I've got a special delivery making its way to you. If that helps?" with a distressed tone in his voice Bruce asks "what is it?" to which you say "you'll know when you see it but Steve will be there just know whatever he tells you it wasn't as dramatic as he says and i know what he's like hes going to make it seem worse than it is." A long sigh gets breathed in your ear as the exhaustion leaves Bruce's body. "Is it just a Stark or is it something else? Because you and Tony seem to be the only two people I know who happen to be related to causing trouble wherever you go. Was your mother like this? Please tell me she was, so it's not a Stark thing." With being asked a thousand questions all you say is," I have no idea, not sure if you remember but I kinda forgot what my mother was like and I'm sorry Bruce but I'm turning this comms off your hurting my ear bye now." No chance to say goodbye, you soon take out the comms and look around to where you've stopped. "Now where the fuck am?"

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