Chapter 20: 13 Months Earlier

Start from the beginning

He smirked. “So you are saying you’re a mistake? Just so we can clear things up.”

Not in the mood for sarcasm. “Let’s go backstage!” I called over the music.

                He just nodded and turned on his heel. I followed him around the stage and down a hallway. There were several doors and he stopped in front of the dressing room. I followed him inside and shut the door behind me. “Was there a reason you wanted to meet me?” He said quickly. “Did you think we would be best friends or something? Because that’s not going to happen. If Dad even finds out we’ve met, he’ll raise hell.”

I snorted. “Oh no, we wouldn’t want Daddy to cut you off.” I said in a small sarcastic voice.

Noah mocked me with a sarcastic laugh. “I don’t plan on ever calling you my brother, so let’s just get that straight now.” He threw himself back on the couch. “When he told me about you, it was like a slap in the face. I could understand why he would call you a mistake, because you kinda were.”

                “Let’s rub it in—”

                “It’s okay. I was a mistake too. I mean, that’s what it’s called when you’re not planned.”

My face burned with anger. “Did they actually tell you that? No, didn’t think so.”

He shrugged. “I know I wasn’t planned, so…” He trailed off. “Sometimes I think my mom got pregnant on purpose. Just a theory of mine. So not only was I a mistake, I was also a last resort. The glue that could fix a very broken marriage.”

                “Do you want me to feel sorry for you?”

                “No, I’m just telling you don’t take what Leo says personal.”

Take it personal? Don’t take being called a mistake personal? That’s nothing but personal. We were in the hospital after I was told my mom didn’t make it. That’s I’m an orphan after my supposed to be father signed away all his parental rights. That he didn’t even want me because I wasn’t even supposed to be here. That my mom was selfish, that she was always selfish.

                When I got older, I started remembering more about the past. It was blurry, but I could remember it. I think I blocked it out as a child and the guard faded a bit over time. When I started getting angry and having explosive episodes. My parent’s now keep me medicated so I’m not sure what explosive anger feels like anymore. I do know what anxiety feels like though.

                   And that’s not exactly better.

                Now I’m standing in front of my half-brother, who’s only a few months older. He’s a total jackass and I’m not exactly sure what I expected to happen. I just wanted to meet the person who gets to play daddy’s favorite while I’m still unsure about why I exist. I don’t even want Leo to be a father to me. I want him to suffer as much as I have because of what he’s done. Because of him, I’ve had everything I’ve known taken from me and no way to get it back.

                He destroyed everything and Noah’s still living in a perfect little world.

                I know I shouldn’t be mad about how Noah’s treated. Well, I do have a right to be mad, just not at Noah. At Leo for abandoning me and my mother. If he would’ve just stuck to his word and helped my mom, she would still be here.

                Noah let out a loud sigh that pulled me out of my thoughts. “You know there’s a full bar out there with too many drinks to count, right?”

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