final roster!

549 12 47

Alrighty, all eleven spots have been taken! This filled up faster than I thought it would, so HUGE thanks to everyone who applied—your interest means a lot to me! If you look above, you'll see Cole giving you some cake as a thank you :)

My apologies if I wasn't able to include your OC. I hope you'll stick around and read anyway, but if not, that's okay too!

Also, just a reminder that if your OC is eliminated in the Tournament, it won't be the last time they're seen! There will be plenty of opportunities before, during, and after the competition for everyone to get focus, and I'll be working to the best of my ability to ensure that happens. Ultimately, this is book is for fun, so don't take it personally if your character does lose their round.

Now, without further ado, here's the final roster for the remixed Tournament of Elements!


Kai Smith, Master of Fire

Jay Walker, Master of Lightning

Cole Brookstone, Master of Earth

Lloyd Garmadon, Master of Energy

Kira Desarin, Master of Crystal
(My OC)

Taylor Papakinakis, Master of Space

Rain Woods, Master of Animals

Ivan Alinsky, Master of Light

Rose Contora, Master of Fate

Katlain Tsang, Master of Illusion

Melody Kelly, Master of Music

Razhai Turner, Master of Time

Ray McDavid, Master of Shadow

Samuel Quentin, Master of Wind

Lemon Lark, Master of Mind

Apollo Keith, Master of Void


Also, reminder that OCxOC ships are allowed! I can't guarantee a big focus on them, but I can definitely include them. puffpal7 is looking for a potential love interest for their character Apollo, so if anyone's interested, let me know in the comments and we can go from there ^_^

Thanks again to everyone who applied! Your characters all sound amazing, and it's my goal to do them justice. That being said, if I get something wrong about them, feel free to correct me if you'd like.

I'm super excited to start working on this project...hope you all are as hyped as I am!

~Pix <3

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