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Changmin POV

I woke up feeling like a zombie and my whole body aches, i choreographed some dances last night to get ready for the upcoming finals. I still need a self composed music tho to use for my performance.

Slowly standing up, going towards my bathroom to get ready for the day.


My phone suddenly went off, indicating that someone has texted me.

I grabbed it on the table next to my bed and checked who it was. I immediately rolled my eyes after seeing who the text was from.

Meet me at the back of the school on lunch

Why would I?

Because i'm handsome.

I scoffed reading his message, 'he's still full of himself till now', i thought giggling a bit. 'he isn't wrong tho- wait no! He's my enemie i shouldn't agree' i quickly shook my head and replied to him.

That's not an acceptable reason

But i am, right?



Ouch, that hurt u know

I'm glad it did

Anyways, i'm expecting you later at lunch, just go there after u ate

What made u think that i'll go?

If u wont then i'll just drag u from cafeteria to the back of the school :)

Uhh no thank you
Just be sure u'll make it short

Ye ye, see u ;)
Read 7:20 a.m

I stood up again and got ready, not bothering to do it quickly since my class starts at 8:30.


Sitting on my seat lookin like i'm about to murder someone with my gaze, not even bothering to greet my bestfriend that's already seated beside me.

"what a good morning to you too" chanhee sarcastically said, giving me a not so fake smile.

"yeah, talk about how i wake up feelin like shit and to top all of that, i got a message from that asshole saying we should meet up at lunch-"

"hollup- sunwoo wants to meet up with u? For what?" chanhee butted in and questioned me, knowing well who i'm talking about.

"I don't know myself, i didn't even agree with this meet up"

"then why are u so worked up with it?"

"cause i have no choice, he'll drag me across the school if i don't show up and we all know that's not a good scene to watch while having lunch"

"sucks to be you then" he said simply turning his head towards his boyfriend as if like i wasn't having a crisis.

Before i could even strangle him for ignoring me, the teacher went inside the room and made all the students shut up.

"So class we'll be heading to the dance room since we'll be doing some freestyle dances to get y'all ready for your finals"

I thank god that i practiced last night, if i didn't then i would be the reason of a whole class laughing their ass off.

The whole class then went outside to go to the dance room, bringing our extra shirts since we'll be sweating buckets after the practice.

"i heard earlier that you'll be meeting sunwoo at lunch?" younghoon suddenly went up to me, scaring the shit outa me.

"Gosh younghoon! Don't scare me like that, i didn't even notice you coming towards me" i slapped him on the arm, not really strong since i don't have the strength.

"i assume that you heard it from your belo~ved boyfriend, and yes, don't have much of a choice" answering his question and receiving a guilty(not really) gaze from chanhee, we arrived at the dance room and went to the changing room.

"why tho? I thought u hated each other?" younghoon then went inside a stall with chanhee, don't even ask why.

"you spend too much time with chanhee that you now share one braincell" i went in a stall next to them, "and let me say this again , I.dont.know and I.don't.have.much.of.a.choice." i emphasized, making it clearer than water, to make them understand that, i , myself don't know.

Leaving the stalls and going back to the room, behind me are chanhee and younghoon, we all sat down on the ground since our teacher said he'll announce something.

I noticed that there are instruments layed on the ground too. 'that's weird' i thought, 'we're here to dance not to make a band'.

My thoughts were interrupted by our teacher clapping his hands to get our attention, "So class, some music students will be joining us today to play the music you'll dance to. It will be randomly chosen whether you will dance to an acoustic, musical, rock, hip hop, or just plain piano really." the teacher stated.

'oh, so that's why' i looked around but there's still no sign of music students inside the dance room.

As if the teacher could read my mind, he then called the music students to get in and settle down next to their respective instruments.

One of them being Kim Sunwoo.


Hi, sorry for the late update

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