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Changmin POV

It was a nice day to begin with; sun is shinning, birds are singing, trees are dancing, anything you could see on a beautiful surrounding....... Until it wasn't.

Believe me when i say my day is totally ruined because of a specific Music student and composer, yes the Kim Sunwoo.

Just the name itself irritates me, his whole existence does. Wanna know why my day was ruined because of him? Here let me explain;

Hours ago

Parking my car near the school, went out and locked it. It was a normal day and not really bad so far.

I went in the school gates and saw my over hyperactive friend along with his boyfriend waiting for me near the halls so a approached them.

"hey guys whats up?" i greeted them with a smile and a wave. "nothin much, just you and your single ass as usual" my hyperactive friend said.

"well not all people have known their soulmates when they were like, 5 years old, chanhee" i said and rolled my eyes on them. "Let's just go to class before you two get to each others throat" his boyfriend younghoon stated and motioned for us to get going.

The three of us walked to our classrooms, younghoon just dropped us by because he's a year older so we don't have the same classes while me and chanhee are classmates, we seated on our assigned seats and the teacher walked in.

Her lesson started and i attentively listened since i'm a good student!

Time skip; lunch time

Me and chanhee walked towards the cafeteria, our room is in the left side of the building and the cafeteria is on the other side so it's a long walk.

On our way there, there's a group of boys, probably a year younger, is walking towards us.

While they became nearer, i can't help but groan aloud. It's the group of friends of the great asshole Kim Sunwoo.

I tried to avoid them but Sunwoo, the asshole he is, stopped in front of me and had the audacity to say, "you're blocking my way"

"No, you're blocking my way" i irritatingly said, i mean he's the one who suddenly stopped infront of me.

He just scoffed and stepped aside, as i was about to continue my walking, i tripped on his foot and lost my balance resulting me to put my hands on the ground with my legs kneeled.

He suddenly went infront of me and said, "That's right peasant bow down to me" i was about to stand up and strangle him but he already ran laughing with his friends trailing behind him.

When i looked beside me, i saw no other than chanhee laughing his ass off and didn't even bother helping me to get up, "yeah, yeah very funny, now stop laughing or you'll be the one i'm strangling" i threatened him but he never stopped so i left him there and went to the cafeterie with an irritated face.

After i got my food i sat at our usual table with my other friends, still with the irritated face. Chanhee went to sit next to me still laughing a little, i glared at him and he thankfully stopped and started to eat his meal.

"Can someone tell me why changmin has the 'fuck off' vibe on his face?" kevin, one of my friends asked. "you wouldn't believe what just happened before we got here" chanhee said and started laughing again. "if this is related to sunw-"

"don't ever mention that assholes name again when i'm around" i glared at jacob, one of my friends too, cutting him before he could finish his sentence.

"Ok hun, what's the tea?" younghoon asked, and chanhee being himself, and whipped for younghoon, said everything exactly what happened, didn't even leave some details.

After chanhee said all the information, they all laughed loudly that they got some weird looks around the cafeteria and i just sent them an apologizing look.

After the laughter died down, kevin stated, "Oh man i can't believe that just happened" he wiped a tear coming out of his eye and started giggling again. "yeah that was pure comedy, if only i was there" jacob said still unfazed by what happened.

"Oh hyung i'm just lucky i got to witness it in front of my eyes, i can't make it disappear in my head-"

"how about i make u forget that by cutting your head off" i didn't let him finish his sentence when i already choked him, not seriously tho but enough to make him stop, but lucky for him he has a boyfriend so he pushed me away from his 'loved one' and seperated us by sitting in between.

The bell rang to indicate that lunch is over and we bid our goodbyes, well not to chanhee since we'll be stuck together unfortunately. And so my day went by like that, i'm thankful i didn't bump into a specific someone again or else i would be in jail for murder.

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Authernim here! I hope u like the first chapter! I ain't good at making stories and explaining things but i'll try my best!!
See you in the next update!

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