prologue (updated)

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Hi so this is my first time writing a story and I'm in love with WBWL stories. Please comment so that I can know if it is any good or not. Thank you!!! (Update- I'll try for an update twice every 2 weeks and I know I am grossly behind schedule so I hope you guys forgive me)

Hey there this is Azalea, Azalea Black well I'm not technically a Black however it belongs to my godfather and I'd rather not use my actual surname. Well let's get onto the story, shall we.............

Well, first of all, my real name would technically be Azalea Potter-Black; however, I'd rather avoid associating with the Potters.

My parents- James Potter and Lily Evans-  were high school sweethearts and got married at 18  after a year they had me. I was born on July 31st, 1980 at 12:00. And whether I like it or not due to the time of my birth there have been quite a few problems which you'll know soon of course. But at that time i did not know such things so we were living the perfect Happy Ever After.










just kidding, that did not happen what did happen was my sweet (note the sarcasm please) baby brother was born on 30th July. My mother was so happy as her son was born on the same day as her best friend Alice Longbottom nee Fortescue's son Neville. My brother had messy red hair and hazel eyes with a lot of freckles while I had black wavy hair with green eyes. 

We were happy but fifteen months later the dark wizard Grindelwald attacked I know you must be thinking that magic isn't real blah blah blah blah but let me assure you it is.... anyways I don't remember what happened I just remember him coming up and shooting light at me but before I could tell them that I had fallen unconscious and the leader of the light the great Albus Dumb-as-a-door had got me sent at Wool's orphanage.

 That was when I decided that I was done with the wizarding world and its hypocrisy and my parents. I soon became completely fascinated with technology and its reaction around magic and now at 21 I own a multibillionaire company yeah I know young but I went through college at 15 so give me a break.

Now I have to go as you are about to meet me.







@JustDed thank you for telling me that I had a typo I'm sorry to everyone else who had been confused.

Azalea Potter-BlackWhere stories live. Discover now