"You Aren't My Dad!"/He Hits You Part One

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READER AGE: 15 SCENARIO: Ashton and the reader argue about her going out with her male friends when she says some things she shouldn't say and Ashton does some things he regrets. Reader runs away.


BACKSTORY:Ashton and my mum Kaitlin got married two months ago. I love that mum's happy. but honestly, he just isn't all that he's chalked up to be. My biological father died the day before I was born, and Mum's best friend, my godfather, Calum Hood (who's also Ashton's bandmate) was there when I was born. He's my dad. He took up that role the minute I was born, according to my mum. She tried to say no, but he wouldn't have a bar of it. Then mum met Ashton. They fell in love and got married. He tries to control my life, and Dad says he was the reason 5SOS went on hiatus for 2 years. Dad now lives in the next town over with Uncle Luke and Uncle Mikey.END OF BACKSTORY

I woke up at 10am this morning, Mum was out on business for the day. I went downstairs where my stepfather handed me a tea. I sat on the couch and opened up my phone to look at my group chat.

Nick- Hey guys wyd

Adam- Hola

Jacob- Nm

Lucas- boreddaf

Nick- Let's hangout

Adam- yeah sure

Jacob- Okie

Lucas-aha but Y/N YOU HAVE TO COME

Y/N - Lemme check with Mama bear

Lucas- U know she'll say yes

Y/N calls KayKay

Y/N- Okay:)she said yes so come pick me up

Jacob- We'll be there in half an hour :)



I finished my tea then headed upstairs to change into some jeans and a sweater. I got my boots on, did my hair and grabbed my purse and phone. I ran downstairs and ran into Ashton."Whoa, be careful there girl," He chuckled. "Sorry Ashton, I'm just in a hurry," I explained."Where do you think you're going?" he asked me. " Out with the guys, Nick's mum gave us all credit cards for Christmas." I chirped. He frowned. "No," he said.

I stood there, frozen in shock. This guy, who married my mother 2 months ago, thinks he has authority over me? Hell no!"Excuse me?" I retort. "I said no, you aren't going with those boys. I don't trust you and I certainly don't trust them." He said." I couldn't give two shits what you have to say, Ashton. I'm going." I rolled my eyes and went to leave, but he grabbed my arm"YOU WILL STAY YOU LITTLE BRAT." he screamed at me.

"You aren't my father! You never will be! So no! I don't have to g-"*SLAP*

Ashton just hit me. He looked at his hand in horror of what he had just done, then looked at me."Y/N I-""I hate you," I whispered. Then I ran to the bus stop, sending a text to the boys telling them where i was going and to just come and not tell anyone else, turning my phone off, and heading to Dad's place. I know I'll be safe there.

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