Chapter 30: Not Quite the End

Start from the beginning

He found a relatively empty spot nearby and slid into it with his outlandish "friends". Just in time for the main event. The entire complex went dark. A collection of spotlights hit the perimeter of the bays, then synchronously began moving towards the middle of the room. There, on a stage of steel and iron, was the captain—shining with the brilliance and radiance of all the stars in the universe.

"My fellow speaker boxes!" they bellowed, shaking the chamber, "The time has come for our rebirth. For too long has our peoples suffered aboard this dreadful ship, searching for the salvation we deserve. But now, the time is ripe for the picking. We shall regain the control we once lost, rebuild the empire we once had. And that begins with gathering the resources we need to accomplish this step." The spotlights turned their attention to the Drill Ships. "And to do that, we will mine this planet dry!"

The cries of celebration of a hundred million speaker boxes rejoiced in the captain's speech. Everyone joined in, adding their own bleeps and bloops to this planet-ending chorus. Well, almost everyone. There were a few individuals who decided not to show patriotism that day. And by a few individuals, it really meant him.

As the lights returned to the loading bay, the first Drill Ship left the protection of the station and off into the abyss. Several more followed in its wake, departing as soon as the eight tractor cars were filled. With more speaker boxes able to wade through the masses to reach their designated ship, the fleet was cleared in under a quarter of an hour.


Golf Ball rarely ever had a good day. Between her science experiments and gadget-tinkering, her life was less about the good and bad days, and more about the slightly less bad days and the actually bad days. Recently, though, all of her days were of the "extra-hyper-bad" type. Although looking at the chaos in front of her, she considered adding another synonym into the fray.

The world map was covered by dots signalling the location of one of her science outposts. Usually, the dots would be green. Yellow, if something was damaged or needed attention. But some of them had turned red. And with each passing moment, another dot turned an angry crimson.

However, the most worrying thing about it all was the telescope feed TB had pulled up on a separate monitor. The one pointing at a dark outline against the starry night—something the neon ball assumed was an interplanetary spaceship. She had scoffed at his outlandish claim. But the more she looked at it, the more GB began to resonate with his findings. The jarring angles and shapes were clearly not natural.

"What do we do about this?" TB panicked.

Her jaw hung loose, uttering the three words she would never use in anything but the direst of problems. "I...I don't know."

Another light went red near the south pole.

Tennis Ball began to nervously jump around. "You have to have some kind of plan! You have a plan for everything!"

An island on the equator swapped sides.

"What? Do you think I'm some miracle cure-all? Someone the world can throw its baggage on and will solve everything?"

While they were arguing, Pen had walked over undetected. "Woah, guys, what's with the arguing?" he comforted.

Golf Ball sighed, stepping away to allow Pen to see the damage. "We're being attacked by aliens, and we have no idea how to stop it. In other words, we're dead."

"So you do admit that this is a spaceship!" TB cheered, "I was right!"

"Yeah, whatever." She rolled her eyes. "Still doesn't solve the problem in any way."

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