Chapter 6

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Parker's POV

I lay in bed in the strange bunker that we were brought to. The door opened. Agent Faber. I didn't like him. 

"Parker, how are you this evening?"

"Considering I've supposedly been rescued and haven't been able to see anyone I care about, not so great."

"Well I'm sorry to hear that, but of course the quarantine order is strict. We don't want the investigation to be muddled." 

"When can I see her?"

"You'll be able to see your sister soon Parker."

"No. Toni. When can I see Toni?"

"As I said, you will all be reunited soon enough. Now, would you like a mint?"


By Day 12, the group really clicked. We even had assigned tasks, sort of like chores. These mundane jobs helped us get through the day and have some sort of structure to our lives as castaways. 

I try to enjoy this sense of peace we had built with everyone else, however Leah is getting worse and worse. I can tell that her thoughts are consuming her. She has a day off from chores today. I'm on water duty with Toni and Nora, we already finished. I sit by the fire with Fatin, glancing at my sister who stared off into the expanse of the ocean. 

Nora walked over to her and struck conversation, handing Leah her journal and pen. That's nice. 

"Hey, little Rilke, wanna make a sand castle?"

I nod my head quickly, causing Fatin to laugh. 


Leah's POV

I sit on a large rock, overlooking  our camp on the beach. Nora let me borrow her notebook. She told me to write what I see, observations. 

So far I had:

Blood blister on big toe

Martha and Marcus...basically a married couple now

Parker and Fatin making a very sad sandcastle

My gaze scans the beach and suddenly I spot Shelby walking down the beach, glancing around her. Just like that, my ease was broken. 

Shelby acting weird

She found the pilots bag w/meds inside

She's always wandering off. 

Always explaining stuff away


"Hey party people!" My paranoid writing craze was interrupted by Rachel standing on the other end of the beach, shouting to us. She held a bag in her hands. "Who's ready to fucking feast!?"


Parker's POV

We were all gather around the fire as the delicious smell of cooked mussels wafts off of it. I eagerly grab one along with everyone else...well besides Shelby. 

"Come to mama"

"Total fucking protein"


"Hell yeah"

The girls hum in delight as we delve into the closest thing to real food we've had in a long while. 

"You know, I can already feel my health meter climbing back up to 100." Dot says. 

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