Unexpected Corruption

Start from the beginning

"No. Shut up"

"Oh! I see now!" Marvin licked his lips, "Ooo~, I SO knew you went both ways! Want me to go get his number for ya!?"


"It's funny how he kind of looks like Dark" Jackie remarked.

"I swear, if Sean doesn't kill you, I will"

"Wasn't that the whole point of your existence anyway?" Marvin scoffed, "I mean-"

Anti looked a little hurt but rolled his eyes, "For your information, no. That wasn't the point of my existence. It was more of a secondary thing to Sean."

This sparked interest in Jackie, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Never mind. I don't wanna talk about it right now. You guys wanna get out of here?"

Marvin whined, "Aw but the hot guy just glanced over here! You sure you don't want his number? I could help you get laid REAL quick, bro"

"I'm leaving" Anti promptly stood up, throwing away his garbage and walking away, leaving Jackie and Marvin to run after him, teasing him.

It was going to be a little harder to go back and forth in and out of Sean's head but Jackie figured that if they went out together, Marvin could just teleport them back into HIS room so they wouldn't be noticed and teleport immediately into Anti's apartment and vice versa.

Let's just say this morning, Anti had one of the biggest shocks of his life when trying to change his clothes. From then on, they'd have to phone Anti to let him know they were coming first.

When Jackie and Marvin returned in Sean's head in Marvin's room, Marvin saw the look in the hero's eyes.

"What is it?"

Jackie glanced at him, " . . . what do you think Anti meant when he said Sean's SECONDARY meaning for him was to hurt us?"

Marvin thought about it but just shrugged, "I don't know. Why didn't you ask?"

"I don't know . .  I guess I didn't want to trouble him too much. Bring anything up he isn't ready to explain himself on his own terms"

"Hm . . . Yeah . . .. .  Well  . . I know we SHOULD be trying to figure out a way to bring Hen and James over to the 'Dark Side'" he used quote fingers, "But also, I really wanna corrupt Sean's latest video"

"It's got millions of views already. He'll notice if it was suddenly gone"

"That's the point. It'll piss him AND millions of fans off." Marvin slowly grinned, "But don't you think Anti at least deserves this?"

Jackie couldn't deny that. Although it was tampering with Sean's property . . . .  he really wanted to help Anti.

"Yeah . . . let's do it. How we gonna-"

"Magic. Duh"


Chase was at Sean's place munching on some chips and watching some TV.

He didn't want to be around Jackie or the others today. Chilling out of Sean's head away from them seemed like a reprieve. Every day it seemed like him and Jackie were about to get in a fight.

'And the other day was just . . . weird. I don't understand any of it. One moment Anti looked like he was about to kill us and the next, something in his eyes changed and he glitched out of there. Something's up. What the hell is he planning?'

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