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"Thankyou miss!"

"Everyone is saved thanks to you, we are grateful."

Seeing a youngster witnessing these mishaps made you to recollect your innocent structure in the past. Nothing more but just a mere misfortune youngling who happened to be entangle with one of satan's grasps.

You made yourself towards the child's direction and kneel infront of her, this made her thoughts enveloped by sudden confusion.

The sadism that roars inside of you suddenly dissolve into dust, your expression softened after having bodily contact on the child's cheeks.

"Everything will be okay, dont you worry, big sister is here to protect you." you guaranteed that everything will be okay, when you were in your younger years, no one have ever stated such words that would free your mind filled with doubts, no one assured you that everything will be okay, and that caused
the burning sensation to stay on your heart forevermore.

Now that you have a chance to prevent such sensation on someone, you grappled the chance without any second thoughts, the child looks at you with widen eyes, as your words reflects her eyes.

"Good job killing that thing, l/n, i expected no less."

You left your team as you maneuvered from structures to structures, dispatching titans along the way with clear giggles, oh the way you splinter the titans into fragmented pieces made the pleasurable intense simulation raise from your insides.

From far away, the members of the elite forces shuddered in fear as they witnessed your doings in action, their body continued to be bothered as the volume of your laughters continued to develop, They could not even imagine how you tortured those criminals.


"Y/n! Mikasa! I thought you two were with the rear guard!"

"I think i have a grasp of the situation."

Deep down, you were aware that there is such feeling of uncertainty developing in the insides of mikasa, the moment your exhausted eyes lands on reiner's group, your blood immedietly boil but you covered your expression with a blanket of fake bliss, as if you're senses were pleasured knowing they're fine.

Over the past years of being with them, considering your superior logical deduction, you have begun to question their loyalty, however you could not jump right away on the specified conclusion knowing you don't have enough evidence.

While mikasa were talking to others, you proceed nearby the corner where you met armin's alarmed eyes after seeing you, his eyes were hysterical, you roamed your eyes around to examine eren's presence, however he was no where to be seen.

Those signs were perceptible pinpointing that something have happened to eren, you just stood there returning the payment of unexpressive face over armin, the blond boy knew that you have come into conlcusion already.

Bothered sensations started to roar inside your abdomen as mikasa kneel down to asked something.

"Are you hurt? Are you alright?"

Armin seeing your serious expression made him burst into tears.

"In training corps squad 34, thomas wagner, nac tias, mylius zeramuski, mina carolina, eren yeager, those five carried out their mission, and died—-" your senses stopped galloping armin's words as specified flatline sound interupt your piece of mind.

You turn your head into reiner's direction and look at him with absolute benumbed eyes, you knew he had something to do regarding this calamity.

"And if i dont fight, i can't win."

Mikasa and the others started to organize a specified plan, unlike you.

You were just standing there processing what happened.


Each and everyone headed in the hq's passage way as mikasa terminated the remaining titans along the way.

"Anyway! Let's make this a short, decisive battle! And get to headquarters before our gas runs out"

"But Mikasa is amazing, how can she move like that"

Armin noticed your humorless your facial appreance, your psychpath knaveries have already commited in his mind and he knew you were still processing eren's death till to this moment, he was aware that you could not deflect your emotion anymore by going deeper.

You were alarmed when mikasa stumble herself in lower position.


Likewise to you, mikasa couldn't still process eren's death, the charcoal haired girl were now surrounded by titans as your body have been affected by sudden paralysis from far away without any humorous expression written in your facial arrangements, compare to her saddened expression.

You were not in your senses anymore, how can you let this happened? You made them trust you that everything will be alright and now look what happen, you blamed yourself as the reason why eren died.

After centuries, you have already found your way home, you were contented however, this world resembling hell took everything from you anyways.


The fourth maiden of Ymir  [UNDER HEAVY REVISIONS/EDITING]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat