My mother sighed heavily and made her way to my bed and sat down across from me.

"Liv, I told you not to stress so much about school, Dad and I are already proud of you" My mom encouraged and I smiled at her sweetly

"I know, I just want everything to be perfect that's all" I smiled

"Okay but remember, you can't always get what you want"

Hmm I'll see about that

"Okay mother, bye now, I have to do homework" I lied again to make her leave.

You can't always get what you want?

Now that's an understatement.


I woke up at 6:30 to prepare for school and have breakfast with my family before taking little max to preschool.

Normally I don't have to do this since our driver is always on the clock but I liked talking to him a little before school.

He was like the only sane 7-year old I knew.

"Are you excited to bring dad to school next week?" I asked him while we were driving

Max pre-school is having the "bring your parent to school" day next week and I know how excited he is about it.

"Uh I dunno" Max replied lazily as he rested his head against the car door and gazed out into the road

"Why's that?" I asked with a little bit of concern.

Max was excited about the project and showing off Dad to his whole school and his mood was a bit strange.

"Well, the thing is, I don't wanna take Dad to school. I want mom to come but..." max trailed off

"But what Maxie" I cooed, brushing his hair all over the place which made him smile a little.

"But Dad is already excited and I don't know" He sulked "what should I do?" He turned to look at me with the same brown eyes we shared.

"Well, honesty is always the best Max" I started as I saw we were almost around the block from his school

"Just tell Dad you want mom to come instead," I said

"He won't be mad?" Max asked in an innocent voice

"Of course not" I halted when we were outside his school and turned towards him

"When I was in preschool, I took Dad to my bring your parent's project and mom was a little bit disappointed but she wasn't upset, so don't worry" I kissed him on his forehead before he left

I drove to school more energized after I spoke to my little brother.

Hill view high was in a short distance when it emerged in front of me, I drove in and parked my car in my usual spot between Candice and Kylie's.

I jumped out of the big Range Rover and closed the door when a bicycle emerged from the entrance and parked at the bicycle rink.

Madison removed her helmet for whatever reason she even had it for and waved at me from across the lot.


I waved back with a small smile and decided to wait for her since we already had first-period science together.

"Hey, Liv" Madison greeted me as she walked towards me.

"Olivia" I clarified while giving her an air kiss which was awkward because she didn't know which side to choose first

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