Life and Death

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One was life, One was death. They met when they were seven and never left each others side. Neither were what you would expect life was gothic and loved skeletons and everything dark, death was like a flower child all smiles and loved pink even had a big fluffy cat a total softy. Life she decided she liked what death was raised with as a way to have him forever for she knew one day they would have to separate. Death fell in love with what life was raised with he felt something he never could at home; happy. Life and death found a way to be neighbors, like so close they shared the same yard.
One day death didn't see life and his heart broke. This went on for several days and each day his heart broke more. He had enough and went looking for her, but she didn't want to be found. Life found out death had taken someone that was so important to her she was willing to lose her best friend over and she did. She ran from him and didn't let him in.
Death finally found her but she wasn't the same person she use to be in fact she was unrecognizable. Instead of black and grays she was in solid black. Instead of a short skirt and a tank top she wore a long sleeved dress that fell all the way to the ground. Her make-up was all black and hid her beautiful face. He reached out to her but she pulled away. She screamed at him, "WHY? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TAKE HIM? HE WAS MY FATHER." Death responded, "I was only doing what I was supposed to. But you father he. He never wanted to leave you. He asked me to give you something." He held out a small box which contained a heart shaped ruby necklace. Life took it and put on the necklace seeing as the necklace was her mothers she knew both her parents had to have died now for she never took the necklace off.
Life screamed again, "YOU TOOK THEM BOTH AND SAID NOTHING TO ME!" Death whispered, "I had no choice." He saw that nothing could fix what he had broken unknowingly, he just wanted to protect his best friend and in doing so he lost her. He said to her, "I'm sorry life I only wanted to protect you. I should have told you. I see you want nothing to do with me. I'll leave you now just know you made my time to live worth it." Then he walked away and they never saw each other again. One was Life, One was Death.

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