Tony: Oh My... God!

Frostee: Someone close my eyes!   [After what Frostee said, Tony covered up Frostee's eyes with both he's hands]

Echo: Guys it was just a kiss!

Tony: Oh, it was way more!   [Tony said causing Layla to giggle]

Layla: Come on y'all let's move on!

Echo: Yeah, Tony, you're the one who dared me to do it.

Tony: Okay, just go on and pick.

Echo: Uhm... Layla... Truth or Dare?

Layla: Truth, I love being challenged!

Echo: Okay if you say so... Layla Gray... I dare you to kiss Tony!

-What!   [The two said at the same time]

Cisco: No, Echo, you can't do that!

Frostee: Oh yes, she can!

Tony: I wasn't angry at you, Echo!

Echo: Oh, please

Layla: Oh Toretto, you messed up!

Tony: Sorry okay... well you didn't say when so we, don't have to!

Echo: Oh you're gonna do it now!

Layla: I can't believe you Echo!

Echo: Well believe it!   Revenge!

-I'm SHOCKED! Your probably lost like I am. I was so scared and angry, but at the same time I was excited! Yeah, because, I'm literally gonna kiss my crush right now!  This was so amazing, but remember, when Toretto said, he's never gone on a date with anyone before same thing with me and I never got my first kiss! Yeah, judge me all you want, but this is going to be my first kiss ever! Right before my crush and I had to kiss...

Door opens:

Ms Nowhere: I need you all to get ready, because we're about to land in 3 hours!   Oh, this place looks like a pigsty!

Cisco: Wait, you came in here to tell us that, we should get ready, because we're about to land in three hours?

Ms Nowhere: Yeah... basically... don't you listen?

Cisco:  I do, but...   [Echo interrupts him]

Echo: Do listen to yourself when you speak and what do you mean get ready?

Layla: Yeah, I'd understand if you said half an hour.

Ms Nowhere: First... Echo, I do listen to myself when I speak, secondly... I mean get this mess cleaned up, when I mean get READY!  And Layla, I saved you guys.

Layla: What do you mean when you say you saved US?

Ms Nowhere: You know what I mean...

Door closes: 

Layla: What!

Frostee: Wow, that was weird.

Cisco: Yeah, and especially when she left the room.

Tony: Hey, Layla, what did she mean when she said you know what she "means"?

Layla: I don't know?

Cisco: Well, probably, the lady went craycray.

-I was tryna figure out what she meant, but I kept getting to a lost part of the situation.

Frostee POV 

-You know, what I'm about to say will seem weird, but I think, Layla and Tony are dating. I also think Cisco and Echo are all dating behind my back, yeah I know what you're thinking, I've gone totally out of my mind, but did you see how Cisco and Echo kissed without having a problem with it or arguing and it was long! Well you probably didn't see it. But did you see how Tony and Layla were looking at each other throughout the whole entire game and I'm sure you didn't see that too! I'm about to prove my point starting with Echo and Cisco, the whole entire day I'll be watching them!

Layla: I gotta go!

Tony: Where?

Layla: None of your business Toretto!

Layla ran off  and a minute later Tony followed her, but I didn't want to run after them. I was too busy focusing on Cisco and Echo.  The part that made me more suspicious is that Ms Nowhere said that there was three hours till the plane landed earlier on when she came in here, but when I went to go check on Gary's computer and my OWN iPad, they both said there were 5hours and 31 minutes left. It's getting more and more suspicious, but let me do everything step by step, starting with Cisco and Echo...

To be continued...


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