Chapter 2 - The First Gaze

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Eren didn't even want to wake up this morning, for the fear of this interview dwelled on him all night. What did he look like? How did he talk? How did he act? Well, it was for him to wait till later. Once he enters the office of this 'Levi Rivaille' man. 'I wonder why Mikasa left so early?' The brunette thought standing up from his small bed and looking into his closet with a sigh. The doctors office was pretty far from the college so it made sense why she left so early. "Do I really have to do this?" He asked himself scanning through the small closet and attempting to find some formally appropriate clothes. After a few minutes of hopelessly looking for nice attire, he found it. A nice button up shirt and vest over it. Looking into the mirror at his outfit, he slightly smiled showing a
bit of confidence. With his slightly small build he looked fitting for the outfit.

Walking into the kitchen he looked at the coffee pot and smiled. Mikasa had left him ready hot coffee and the notepad next to it. Strolling himself over to the coffee table where the coffee and notepad sat. What time was he supposed to be there again, he thought, looking to his watch. Blinking he had about 7 minutes to get to the company and since there was no car, outside was the bus. Honking loudly, and so he grabbed the notepad and coffee rushing out the door. Relieved he jammed into the cramped bus as he drank some of the coffee in his hands. Glancing out he sighed and glanced over the notepad. There were all questions his sister had written down for him to ask the male. Eren could see that they were all pretty easy basic questions for him to answer, so this interview would be quick. As the brunette thought, the bus had stopped and his attention was brought to the blinking sign that said, Titan INC. , where they had stopped. Nervously, he rushed out the door of the bus and to the front door of the building.

It was so large and seemed like a place where everyone was always on task. Walking inside nervously as so many sophisticated people passed and gave glances to him, it just made him even more nervous than before. Walking up to the desk in the middle of the first floor. In a but if a quiet voice he spoke to the woman who sat at the desk. She wore grey , like everyone and everything in the building. The dark haired female had her hair in a ponytail and had glasses that resembled, goggles in a way. Smiling spoke to Eren. "Ah! You must be Mikasa for the interview with Mr. Rivaille." Nervously he shook his head and smiled just as nervous as before back to her. "Uhm Kind of. I'm filling in for her because she couldn't be here for the interview. Mikasa is very ill." Hange, replied and stood up from her desk. "Oh that's alright. Let me lead you to his office." As the two made their ways to the elevator, Eren just stood and followed, about as stiff as a stick. After, a few moments the two doors slid open slowly and they stood in front of a hallway. As they walked to the front of nice wooden doors, the two doors opened and there he stood but all you could see was the back of him. "Mr. Rivaille will see you now." Hange spoke and pointed for Eren to sit down in a white cushioned chair. "Shitty glasses what the fuck is it now?" He asked turning around and saw Hange quickly leave. Then, his cold grey eyes met emerald green was. They gazed at each other for a few moments. Eren sat there slightly biting his lip. Levi just coldly glared to him.

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