
We stepped out of the cab in front of a club called The Velvet Room. It was packed outside as people lined to get in. Kyle moved past Sassi and I, as he walked in front to the entrance doors. It seemed like he knew the bouncers. They let him inside without question.

He ushered Sassi and me to follow him. We brushed past the large, framed bouncers, and entered the humid club. It was dimly lit, bodies swaying to loud hip hop music under the gleaming purple lights.

Sassi held my hand as Kyle told us to follow him upstairs to the VIP section. I was relieved not to be swamped by the cluster of people grinding on each other. We edged our way around the club to the steel stairs and made our way up the floor.

The VIP section was much spacious and air-conditioned cool. I felt I could breathe again. Sassi and I took a seat side by side on plush black couches. Kyle was adamant about taking care of us for the evening. He brought two vodka and cranberry filled glasses with ice. Sassi cheered her glass with his beer. I, on the other hand, wasn't really in the mood to drink or party.

"Are you okay?" Sassi whispered to me. "Do you wanna go?"

I shook my head. "I'm fine, it seems okay here... we can stay a while longer." I said, forcing a smile.

We listened to Kyles' lame jokes and gossip, Sassi seemed intrigued by it, my mind completely drifted away.

A small group of men and women, accompanied by a very large man, sauntered through the room. They took up all the available vacant seats and couches. I huddled up closer to Sassi.

My eyes were on the largest man. He had a black-and-white checkered suit, with a bright blue handkerchief and a bald head, smoking a cigar. He looked intimidating and exuded power in the club. He paid little attention to his company around as he sat in the far corner of the VIP section.

"That's the big boss. He owns this club." Kyle answered my unasked question, noticing that I was looking.

I turned and nodded, not noticing who just stepped in behind us.


My heart raced when he entered the VIP section. He wasn't alone, he had a woman on both sides accompanying him. Two brunettes. I jerked and looked away, since he hadn't noticed me yet.

Seeing Dimitri again this close was overwhelming. Old hidden feelings came rising rapidly and all the memories came flooding back. I felt sad all over again and it made me feel vulnerable.

Dimitri looked around at the people seated. I could feel him stopping dead and felt his heavy stare landing on me, sending ripples across my skin. I held my glass tight and sipped, determined not to meet his gaze. I suppose it shocked him to see me here; I couldn't say the same.

He didn't say anything to me, and I was glad for it. I glanced quickly from the top rim of my glass as he distanced himself from the two brunettes.

Dimitri was dressed all in black, with a shirt, trousers, and shoes. He looked handsome, to my dismay. Any girl would fall for him and it made my heart tear up. He's face seemed bruised, but I couldn't really tell under the dim lighting. He sat across from Sassi, Kyle, and me. His intense eyes snapped to mine, and I quickly looked away, holding my breath. I didn't seem to focus after that.

"Oh, gosh, he came..." Sassi breathed out. She watched me to see my reaction. But I was expressionless, trying to hold everything in.

"Do you want to leave?" she murmured, touching my arm.

I shook my head. "No, it's okay, I'm okay... I'm fine."

Who knew that F.I.N.E. stood for freaked out, insecure, neurotic, and emotional? The perfect word for this exact moment. But I was determined to handle myself.

Sassi studied me and sighed. "Just know, we can leave anytime if it gets too much."

I gave a small smile, and she smiled in return. We went back to sipping our drinks.

Sassi looked at Dimitri, who was apparently still staring at me, the two brunettes sitting on either side of him. Touching lightly his shoulders and chest. It made me sick. He didn't give a damn about me!

Sassi narrowed her eyes at him, giving him the stink eye all evening. I couldn't blame her. She was the one drying my tears for this man, who just walked up and left me in Ashfield!

Dimitri had a nerve doing that to me without even contacting me to hear if I was okay and without explanation. Suddenly, my sadness and insecurities turned to anger. Brewing hotter and hotter every second.

Here he was sitting across from me, with two women hanging on either side. Flaunting them in front of me, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him, even though I could feel his eyes burning into me.

Clearly, he had moved on and it infuriated me! I felt hot, very very hot. The booze made my head swirl as anger bubbled up inside me. I slightly trembled from it.

Suddenly, a woman on the side of me sauntered by. She had a tight black skirt on with a tube top, her black sleek hair waving behind. I recognized her. Roxanne just entered the building! I breathed out loud. This was too much, too soon. My head was feeling dizzy, and I had to get away from this section.

I looked over to Sassi, and she was talking to Kyle, flirting non-stop, to my annoyance. I rolled my eyes and held my left temple. A faint headache was starting to form.

I looked up and saw Roxanne glaring at me. She sat next to the huge bald man in the corner. Her red lips turned into a snarl. She whispered something to the man; her face buried in his ear. His head turned sharply to me and his cold eyes found mine. I looked away and an icy shudder swept through me.

I couldn't take this anymore!!!

"I'm going to the bathroom." I told Sassi, interrupting her chat with Kyle about who knows what.

She nodded and asked if she should join me. I said no. I needed to be alone for a while.

I got up, straightened my tight dress that I was feeling very self-conscience about suddenly, and walked towards the stairs.

I could still feel Dimitri's eyes behind me all the way.

I walked down the steps and onto the crowded dance floor. I edged around the throng of sweaty bodies, dancing to the heavy beat of the music vibrating in my head. Hurting my left ear once again. The air was humid and sticky, and I needed fresh air. I abandoned the bathroom and went straight out the club's doors instead.

As I stepped out, the cool fresh breeze washed over my face. I welcomed it, breathing the air in deep. It calmed me down and refreshed my mind. It was late at night and outside the club was still a buzz with people coming and going. A group of men staggered around, one supporting the other, as they drunkenly climbed in a cab.

I walked a short distance away, clutching my sling bag towards me. As anger boiled up in me again, I didn't want to stay here any longer. I decided to go back inside and grab Sassi for us to leave.

I turned abruptly around towards the club and bumped into a hard chest. I staggered backwards in my heels, as firm, calloused hands steadied my impending fall.

I looked up and stared into stormy eyes set on mine.

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