Nonetheless, Aphrodite wished to make it clear to the god what fate would await him should he continue his act, and due to his own ego, the war god would never mention her defeating him to anyone, as such keeping her abilities hidden from the self-absorbed Olympians.

Stepping into the sand covered arena, Aphrodite approached the God who was currently battling two of the minor gods who served him, inflicting unnecessarily harsh wounds on the pair.

"Perhaps we could have some privacy Ares?" Aphrodite spoke up, immediately drawing the other gods' attention.

Ares' dismissal of his servants was immediate as he turned to Aphrodite, removing his helmet, and pulling a cocky grin. "Ahh, the image of beauty itself, so wonderful of you to come and assist me in relaxing after my training." The god spoke with a gruff voice.

A grimace marred the goddess' perfect features before she settled into a sneer, "Do not kid yourself Ares, I have no need or desire for the likes of you. I am here to train and you shall assist me."

Ares chuckled before realising the goddess was being serious. Upon this realisation he grinned broadly, "And my reward for this assistance? You should know that you don't need to be so difficult in you efforts to drag me to your bed."

"We have never, nor will ever, share a bed Ares. You disgust me and nothing will change that." Aphrodite said calmly, schooling her features.

Ares began to anger as his eyes flashed a menacing red, "I will teach you your place goddess..." The god of war spoke the title with as much sarcasm as he was capable, "Your nothing but a breeding bitch for your betters. I should have been truer to my word about you and I and perhaps you wouldn't make such a mistake as this."

Aphrodite didn't anger as the god had intended, instead stepping closer and speaking in a cold, hard voice, "I am the daughter of Ouranos, and you are nothing to me war god. We will battle and when I am victorious you will not speak a word about me again in your life, understood?"

"A wager I see, ha you truly are a fool to think you could defeat me. When I defeat you, I will claim you as my own and you will obey my every command."

Aphrodite simply nodded as she backed away. As Ares stared after her he realised something for the first time in this encounter, something had changed about Aphrodite. Her clothing and general appearance was different, she held a regal, untouchable, beauty that she hadn't seemed to only a few months ago when he last had contact with her. She held herself with a more confident poise and seemed to move with a dangerous intent.

Scoffing at the thought that the goddess before him stood a chance, Ares took a moment to lose himself in thoughts of how he would take the spoils of his victory, before he resituated his helmet and hefted his great sword onto his armoured shoulder with a single hand. Aphrodite on the other hand walked a few paces away before turning around, as she twisted around her robes swirled and as she was once again facing Ares, they had formed into her armour, last worn at the end of the Titan War.

Over the soft lavender coloured silk of her chiton, a beautiful golden armour had formed. The armour had amazingly intricate patterns as it wove around her, clinging to her body with the gaps in the weaving design small enough to not allow attacks make it through. In one hand she clasped a simple solid gold spear and in the other was a solid gold dagger with floral carvings in the handle and a large round cut ruby embedded into the hilt.

Ares was fearful for a moment as he saw the impressive appearance of the goddess before soon being distracted by her beauty and dropping his guard. Seeing her opponents distraction without having even let out her aura, Aphrodite scoffed before capitalising on the opportunity.

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