The prank on the girls

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Ginny POV

Few seconds before the boys do the prank

We were going to our girls club, as we were sure the boys were following us for some reason, probably to ask help for homework. This has to be a joke!. Does Harry don't understand I need some girl time?.

"Girls, let's hurry up!" I said "before the boys enter with us!"

"Your right!" Said Hermione as the other girls nodded


"We did it" I said. Once we enter and the doors closed, I felt something passed close to my feet. My eyes widened, as I scream.

"What's wrong Ginny?' asked Daphne Greengrass, just as whatever passed close to me, passed close to her and she also screamed as she jumped towards me "what is that!!!"

"Mouse!!!" Screeched Hermione and Hinata

"A mouse?!!" Screeched Parvati

"Where!!!" Screamed Lavander just as the mouse passed her. She yelp as she jumped and landed on me. The blasted thing was running and running

"Mouse!!!" Screamed Sakura and Ino at the same time as they run off at fast speed towards us

"Kill it!!!" Screamed Hermione

"No you do it!" I scream

"Reducto!!" Said Ino. The mouse, dodge it and continue his torture on us as we dodge him and dodge him, until, suddenly, it stopped.

"What the hell?" All the girls and I said at the same time as we went to close to the damn creature, only to realized it was a toy. Tick marks appared on my forehead as well on all the girls.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER?!!!!" I screamed

"NARUTO NAMIKAZE UZUMAKI!!!!!!" Screamed Sakura

"NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM!!!!!" Screamed a very angry Hinata

"DRACO MALFOY!!!!!!" Screamed Ino

"RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY!!!" Screamed Hermione

"SEAMUS!!!!" screamed Lavander

"DEAN!!!!" Screamed Parvati furious

"We are going to kill you!!!!!" We all screamed at the same time

Naruto POV

When we enter to our hideout, we burst into laugher. We could hear the panic screams until after we left

"That was fun!" Said Draco "men, I hope Ino doesn't murder me"

"Dude, they will kill anyone who was responsible" said Harry. Suddenly, I felt chills and the others did as well.

"I think they are very angry" I said then "I swear I heard Sakura screamed my full name

"Me too" said Harry "I swear I heard Ginny screamed my full name in an angry manner too"

"Hermione never says my full name unless she is furious" said Ron "we are going to die, aren't we?"

"Excuse me, younglings, there are some very angry girls trying to get in" said the man of the picture guarding our club. We all gulped on fear

"Plan behave like Innocents is on!!!!" Said Harry as he went to read some quidditch magazines, I went to read my favorite muggle manga called dragon ball, Ron went to play chess with Shikamaru, Draco also was reading dragon ball alongside Dean and Seamus, Neville was practicing magic with Kiba. Finally, much to our horror, the picture opened. Note to self, changed password.

Sakura POV

When we enter the boys club, all of them were doing diferent activities, like fhey were behaving like angels.

"Naruto!!!!" I screamed

"Yes, dear?" Naruto asked as he was reading a muggle book

"Is this yours?" I asked holding the toy mouse

"No, why?" He asked me. A tick mark appeared on my forehead

"Harry...." Ginny said in a sweet voice

"Yes, my beautiful redhead?" He asked with innocence. A tick mark appeared on her forehead.

"Draco...." Said Ino very angry

"Yes, my princess?" Said Draco with a innocence voices. Multiple tickmarks appeared on her forehead

"You keep acting like you did nothing" I said

"But we known you did it!" Said Hermione

"So prepared for a prank war!!!!" Said Sakura as she use her wand to transfigured the mouse into a war flag with our female simbol on it and she put it on the table close where Naruto was sitting, making him yelp, transformed into his fox animagus, run at fast speed and hide behind underneath the couch, making the guys sweet-droop and gulp in fear at the same time.

Now, is a war prank. Who will win?. How will the girls get back what the boys did?. Will the boys accept the prank war?. Next chapter, The prank war part 1: revenge of the girls

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