New classes and troublesome girls

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Naruto POV

The next day we went to classes. We learn new spells and to our surprise, Mcgonagall mention animagus and how it was hard to do it. The PTB and I laughed silently. It was fun to know more about it and annoying to know we had to register but we already decided that was not a good idea. After that, Harry, Hermione and I went to ancient runes while the others went to divination. I was fascinated and I thought it was a lot of fun. I couldn't wait for the uper years.

"It's fantastic, isn't it?" Said then Hermione, scaring the crap out of me.

"Bloody hell, Hermione, where did you come from?" I asked

"I have been here all the time" she said

"No, we saw you go with Ron to divination" said Harry

"You must be confused, I was here with you guys" she said. Harry and I look at each other and we knew she was lying but we dropped as we continue listening to the lesson. Our next class, was arithmancy and it was fun as well. I hated mathematics back on Konoha but it was probably because I was sabotaged by the teachers. I could understand everything and it was fun until Hermione appeared out of know where.

"This class is so interesting!" She said

"Where did you come from?" I asked "you went with Ron and to care of magical creatures!"

"You must have not seen me" said Hermione annoyed. I rolled my my eyes and I continue with our classes. We then went to get lunch, where we saw our other friends.

"So, how was your classes?" I asked Ron and the others

"We don't want to talk about it" said Ron, Neville, Dean and Seamus at the same time

"Divination was rubbish" said Hermione but she cover her mouth with her hands

"How do you know that?" Harry asked "you were with us on ancient runes"

"No she wasn't" said Ron "she was with us". Hermione was paled and then I realized what happened and what she was doing.

"Your using a time turner, aren't you?" I asked her in a low voice, so the others didn't hear. She paled but nodded "well, you kind of got yourself caught. You better tell them"

"Guys, I have to tell you something" she said "but not here"

"Very well" said Ron as he continue to eat like a pork with no manners and Hermione, too annoyed,  hit him on the back of his head for talking with his mouth full.

"What was that for?" He asked as he hold his head in pain

"For talking with your mouth full!!!" Hermione said angry "and, you better prepared yourselves"

"Why?" Asked Harry confused

"You didn't think you were going to escape the game of truth or dare, did you?" Ginny said giggling. I choke on my food when I heard that.

"Well brat, is your funeral!" Kurama laugh "especially, if they found out about a certain sexy jutsu!". I paled when he say that and Kurama laughted more inside my mind.

"You okay, Naruto?" Asked Sakura behind me "you aren't escaping this time, you know that, right?"

"You guys are in trouble!" Said Dean laughing

"You are playing too, Dean" said Lavander. Dean choke with his pumpkin juice

"And you too, Seamus" said Parvati, making Seamus choked as well.

"Ohh, man" said Harry "this is going to be troublesome". In the Ravenclaw table, we heard Shikamaru sneezed.

"I don't want to play" I said poking my fingers too scared to see the girls and what Sakura could do to me.

"Me neither" said Neville, even more scared of his new girlfriend

"Don't be cowards" said Hermione "what secrets could you possible have to hide?". I paled, Neville gulped as well as Harry and Ron was whistling with innocence. Dean and Seamus had innocent looks on their faces. Malfoy, who joined us was looking down as he didn't want anyone to see him. Kiba was looking at the door, as he was ready to escape. The girls started to laugh, much to our embarrassment.

"Fine" I said "I am a gryffindor and I will show it!"

"Us too!" Said Ron and Harry with new eyes of bravery

"And us too!" Said Seamus and Dean with fire in their eyes

"We are cunning but no cowards!" Said Draco "right Kiba?"

"Right!" Said Kiba

"Then is settled" said Ginny "boys vs girls. This weekend, on a empty classroom"

"Deal!" Said the boys and I

As Naruto won, Kushina and Sirius will get married somewhere on at the end of third year:

A) Around Christmas 2 votes

B) Easter holidays

C) Or when they return home at the end of their third year 1 vote

Parings votes will not be close until book 4 or 5:

Parings votes

Kiba/Daphne Greengrass

A) Yes 3 votes (Winning for now)

B) No 2 votes

And please vote one time and don't wait until I have to tell you three times the book is finished!!!. Also, please those that voted for this polls, don't vote again, it gets confusing!.

A new poll!:

I got these idea from another fanfic called the Gemini cursed from the authors Ghostandmiracle on, so it's their idea and I don't know if it was use before or not but I am leaving the names of the authors just in case. But here it is, in the fourth book, instead of cancelling the Quidditch, the schools played it, meaning, Hogwarts made two teams, a main team and a reserve team,  compose of the four houses, what do you think?

A) Yes 1 vote

B) No

I will explain these a bit more. The three tasks will be at Hogwarts but they will also play quidditch. Home and visitor. For example, they will play Hogwarts vs Beauxbatons and then they will go to France and play again but it will be Beauxbatons vs Hogwarts. Same with Durmstrang vs Beauxbatons and Durmstrang vs Hogwarts. The one's that score more points, win and they will affect the score of the tasks.

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