Truth or dare: Part 1

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Harry POV

"Why did we agree to this?" I asked Naruto

"Because we are idiots" Naruto answered

"Because we are brave and we are idiots" said Draco horrified of what could happen if he chose truth when he didn't have a choice, after all, we told them the rules of this curse game

"You need to know something" Naruto "I kind of invented a.... anti-pervert jutsu before coming here, so in case they ask"

"Anti-pervert jutsu?" Asked Ron "you told us of jutsus a bit but I don't understand"

"Well, remember that henge?" I asked them. They nodded "well, I kind of transform into a....naked version of myself and that got me a bad reputation, not to mention been beaten to a pulp by angry girls". The boys, instead of been angry, they laughted

"You are a genius!" Said Draco "I just imagen the face of a grown man looking at that!"

"They would actually had nosebleeds and fall unconscious" I said. They burst into laughter when I say that "the hokage and my former teacher were two perverts who always fall for that jutsu"

"How can a man like your former leader fall for that?" I asked

"Well, they always read this orange book meant for adults" Naruto said and then he shuddered "I prefer to never talk about how I know the book is for adults"

"Did you read it?" Asked Seamus. Naruto blushed a crimson red.

"If the girls find out, I am so dead" Naruto said.

"Wait, how did that happen?" Asked Draco "I mean, if is an adult book....". Before Naruto could answer, the girls arrived, with more players.

"Shikamaru?" Naruto said "how did you get in this mess?"

"Troublesome girls" he mumbled

"Shika here will play with my twin" Parvati said smirking

"Ohh, well, let's end our misery already" said Naruto. The boy went to one side and the girls sit infront of them. Ino put her wand on the floor

"We don't have a bottle, so..." I started

"Ino, your a witch" said Naruto "why don't you use transfigured an object?"

"But that's advance magic" Ino said. Naruto mumbled something I didn't understand and he took his wand and transfigured a quill into a bottle and passed her to Ino

"How did you...?" Ino asked

"I like to read" Naruto answered "now, can we end this nightmare for us boys at least?"

"Okay!" Said a cheerful Ino, who put the bottle on the floor "let the game begin!". She make the bottle rotate with her wand and to my bad luck, in landed on me.

"Darn it" I said

"Truth or dare, Harry?" Asked Ino

"I prefer dare and not give up my secrets" I said

"Okay then" said Ino "I dare you to kiss Ginny on the lips right now". I blushed a crimson red as Ginny giggled.

"Well?" Said Hermione "are you going to chicken out?". I mumbled troublesome girls in a low voice and I just went and kiss my girlfriend on the lips. The girls giggled and I blushed more. Ino spin the bottle again and it landed on Draco and he sweet-droop. Boys had bad luck or are the girls cheating

"Sakura, you ask him" Ino said. Draco turn paled

"Truth or dare?" Sakura asked

"Truth?" Draco asked. I facepalm alongside the other boys

A ninja who choose to be a wizard book 3: HPPOAOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz