1. The Curse

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1. The Curse

"... and you also left Daniel alone in the house, while I told you to baby sit him, to go to a fucking party. A party, Gabriella! And guess what? You went to the party that I told you not to go to because I heard there will be drugs there! You are ..." and that was when I shut what she was saying out again.

I sighed frustrated as my mother kept on mumbling about how irresponsible I am but I just was tired from the party and wanted nothing more than to go rest a bit. I silently wished my life would change instead of being so boring without realising it was the biggest in my life...

I looked around the room humming silently to myself as I searched the room with my eyes for something interesting to watch until she finishes shouting. That is when I saw a little cute boy looking at the argument with fear from behind the semi open door, his dark curls almost hiding his watery emerald eyes as fresh tears kept sliding down his cheeks ... my four years old brother, Daniel.

Seeing my little brother in that state, made my blood boil. Daniel hated the screaming and shouting, he was just a young boy. He shouldn't have witnessed this argument at all! But since he did, it must stop. I turned to my mom with angry eyes just to find her still shouting angrily causing more tears to slide down Daniel's cheek.

"Enough, Mom!" I shouted losing my temper, my hands balled into fists beside me. I am a short tempered person in general but this was the first time I lost it on my mum.

Suddenly, I felt pain cross my cheek as her hand collided with it harshly. My hand immediately flew to my red cheek as my eyes widened staring at her in disbelief.

"How dare you raise your voice in my face?" shouted my mum angrily as she stared at me with flaming brown eyes. This was the first time she ever hit me ... ever. I couldn't stand infront of her anymore as the tears in my eyes threatened to fall.

I turned to where Daniel was, to find him wiping and sobbing loudly when she hit me. My mother quickly turned to him and her eyes immediately softened as she ran to him. As she tried to pull him to her, Daniel just pushed her with his fragile arms before running up the stairs. She then turned to me with a sad look in her usually cheerful warm brown eyes.

"Ella, I am sorry-" but I quickly cut her off not wanting to hear it right now.

"I will go out for a walk for a while" I said sternly before running towards the door and out of the house.

I ran and ran away, hearing her shouting my name, but I couldn't face her now, I needed some time for myself. I wasn't thinking when I ran through the thick trees getting deeper into the wild forest near our house or when the wild stems of the trees ripped through my short dress as I ran, or even when the hard rocks cut through my feet; I just wanted to go away. I kept thinking how mum just killed my happy mood when I returned from this perfect party, it was perfect! I even kissed Jordan, the guy I have had a crush on for two years now. Ashley, my best friend, kept jumping happily when I told her while Aaron on the other hand, my other best friend, kept saying he will get sick when I began describing how the kiss was beautiful.

Mum just had to ruin my perfect day!

And it wasn't even that I have put Daniel in danger or something! I stayed with him till he was sound asleep, and when I was sure that he won't wake up, I then went. For god's sake, he only woke up from my mother's shouting when I came home!

"I ... I have ... have to stop!" I whispered to myself trying to catch my breath desperately, as I felt every muscle in my body protesting from the long run I made. I fell on my knees all of a sudden; my legs unable to hold me up anymore. Silent tears kept falling into the ground infront of me.

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