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Seung-a sighed happily as she lay on the blanket, feeling the weight of Yeong's body on top of hers as she drank in his kisses and basked in the sunlight.

She rested her arms on his bare shoulders, still damp from their quick dip into the river. She felt his hand on her hip as he pressed against her, and she shivered deliciously as she felt him. "Would it be so bad if we did it right here?" she murmured against his lips.

"Naughty girl, we'd get caught," he murmured back as he trailed his kisses down her jawline.

"I know. That's what makes it so exciting," she said, then sighed as he rained kisses on her neck.

"Well, not in broad daylight," he said, kissing her collarbone.

"So you'd consider it if we came here at night?" she asked mischievously as she looked at him, his face dangerously close to her bikini top.

Instead of replying, he covered her with his body again as he captured her lips in a kiss. She couldn't help but moan as she felt his bare chest pressing against her skin, and she let her hands roam his back. She loved seeing and feeling Yeong's body in the daylight, as her fingers felt the scars that reminded her she was in love with a soldier.

"I am so glad His Majesty is in his study for the weekend," Yeong whispered in between kisses.

"Why would you mention him now?" she chided, pulling him in closer to kiss him more deeply as she felt his laugh rumble in his chest.

Suddenly, Yeong's two-way radio crackled to life and they groaned. "Can you ignore it?" she said as they continued to kiss. "That's the plan," Yeong replied as he deepened their kiss even more.

Sub-Captain Seok's voice came through the radio, and to his credit, he sounded uncomfortable as he said, "Captain? Uhm... I know you said you weren't to be disturbed, and, um, I know you're with Ms. Myeong, but... um... we have a situation and I think Ms. Myeong needs to be here too."

Yeong sighed deeply as he gave Seung-a one last kiss before heaving himself off her. He reached for his radio and said, "Okay, got it." Sub-Captain Seok replied, "Thanks Captain. We'll see you at the Public Affairs Office. And sorry again. Over and out."

She sat up and reached for her dress, pulling it over her head. "I wonder what's happened. Why are we meeting in my office?" she said as she stood up to smooth her dress down. Yeong shook his head as he put on his shirt, "It must be important. He wouldn't interrupt us if it wasn't." He pulled on his gym shorts over his swim trunks and they quickly packed up the remnants of their riverside picnic.

Hand-in-hand, Seung-a and Yeong made their way back to the Palace and into the Public Affairs Office. To their surprise, Lady Noh was there, and she raised an eyebrow at their intertwined hands and casual attire. "It's my day off, Lady Noh," Yeong reminded her gently, and she tsked at him before turning to Sub-Captain Seok. "Tell them," she instructed.

"A friend of mine sent me this article, asking me if it was true." Sub-Captain Seok handed his phone over to Yeong, and Seung-a looked at the screen as well. She gasped as she saw a photo of His Majesty and Tae-eul kissing in the Palace kitchen, and the headline read, "The King's Girlfriend?"

Yeong looked grim as he handed Sub-Captain Seok's phone back to him. "Did you tell your friend anything?" he asked, and Sub-Captain Seok shook his head. "You know that all of the Royal Guards who were on duty that night at the bamboo forest have been sworn to secrecy, and we've been careful to keep those same people on duty whenever she's here. None of them would betray that trust."

"It couldn't have been any of the Royal Guards anyway, since the photo was taken in the kitchen. You guys are hardly ever in that area," Seung-a pointed out.

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