The New Normal

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Good morning! Can't wait to see you hot and sweaty. ;-)

Yeong grinned as he read Seung-a's reply come almost instantly. Save water, shower together after? :D

He shook his head as he typed his reply. Be careful what you wish for.

With a smile on his face, he got up and stretched. It was still dark out, but he couldn't wait for the morning run to start. When they analyzed his schedule, he and Seung-a realized there were two points in the day when Yeong didn't need to be by the King's side: the daily morning run, and the moment His Majesty would retire for bed. So they had taken to starting and ending their days together.

Yeong quickly got dressed and joined the rest of the Royal Guards outside, and he hid his smile when he saw that Seung-a was already there, doing preliminary stretches. The guards had gotten used to having her there, and they didn't dare question him about her presence or the absence of her camera.

Soon their run started, and Yeong took his place at the end of the line beside Seung-a. "Hi," he grinned at her, "Did you sleep well?" She nodded and said, "You're on the night watch tonight, right? So I'll see you before your shift starts?" He nodded and they continued to chat about what their day held for them as they ran side by side.

All too soon, they arrived at the stables and did the cool-down stretch as the sun came up. Yeong tried to avoid looking at Seung-a and how sexy she looked as she stretched. He finished up in leading the stretches and dismissed everyone, and barely waited until the guards had dispersed before jogging over to Seung-a and grabbing her by the wrist.

He led her quickly to the back of the stable and leaned her against the wall, then stared deep into her eyes before capturing her lips in a kiss. As it always did, his heart pounded in his chest as he felt her kiss him back, her lips soft against his. She wound her arms around his neck and he pulled her closer and deepened their kiss, loving the way her body pressed against his. He smiled as he felt her match his intensity, and they kissed until they were out of breath.

Seung-a looked up at him, her eyes shining happily, but then she frowned. "Do the Royal Guards know about us?"

Yeong smiled down at her as he brushed her hair off her face. "You join us on our morning runs without your camera, and I radio about accompanying you in the grounds at night. My men are sharp, of course they know. They just know better than to ask any questions."

She raised an eyebrow at him and tapped her chin. "They don't ask questions, huh? So does that mean I can see your room now? We can go shower together?" she said with a devilish grin, and he laughed.

He touched her nose affectionately, "I told you, be careful what you wish for. One of these days, I might just surprise you."

Her eyes widened at him and he laughed before leaning in to kiss her again. They kept on kissing until Yeong's phone vibrated in his pocket. He groaned and Seung-a smiled against his lips, "There goes the alarm, time for us to shower and eat so we can get our day started." They exchanged a few more kisses and reluctantly pulled apart.

With a sigh, Yeong stuffed his hands in his pockets and Seung-a fell into step beside him as they walked away from the stables side by side. "See you tonight," she winked before running ahead, and Yeong smiled to himself, ready to face the day ahead now that he had something to look forward to tonight.

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