𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 :

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(Y/N) POV:

Everyone stood downstairs just looking up, after a minute or two, Eric came down holding what I assumed was his copy of Mortal Kombat, we all sat by the TV in the living room, he placed the disk inside...

After a while of playing it got late, we all made turns and mother never showed up, I was sitting next to Kenny and watched how Kyle went against Cartman in the first round, a lot of yelling and clicking of controller buttons was heard.

Kenny POV:

"Fuck you Kyle, dirty jew!" Cartman yelled, classic. Kyle has beaten Cartman in their first round, this was happening non stop, we've been playing for hours, it wasn't that bad to watch them play since I didn't well mind. Heh, every now and then I stole a glance from Cartmans sister, Y/N. She was nothing like Cartman, she was breath taking, how could she be related to him? I was also ditting next to her, she was staring at the tv, looking at who might win next, fuck she's so beautiful. I scooted closer to her and saw her flinch a bit, I wss relatively close, she slowly looked over to me, though the room was dark I could see her eyes sparkle, is this what love feels like? We stared at eachother for a tiny moment before she flashed me a smile and looked back at the tv.

(Y/N) POV:
Kenny had moved to sit closer to me, but why did he do that? Why did we stare in each others eyes for that short moment of time? I looked down and my face started heating up, "When are we eating dinner?" I asked still looking down, "My mem is making us dinner so until she comes. " Eric said still focused on his game, "It's very late already, like what... 10:38pm already??" I asked looking at the clock that hung on the wall, "I guess we're not eating dinner then. " Eric replied, Kenny groaned at that statement, "Wow Eric, you miss dinner? Impossible!" Kyle commented, "I bet his mom is out fucking some guy for money!" Kenny said laughing, Stan and Kyle joined in, I smacked Kenny's arm softly and stood up, walking to the kitchen, "Where are you going, Y/N? " Kenny asked standing up as well following me to the kitchen, "I'm making dinner, want to help?" I ask him as he nods, it looked like he was smiling underneath his parka but I couldn't tell.


After a bit I looked at the meal me and Kenny threw together, it seemed the guys haven't even realise we were gone, me and Kenny made some Mac n Cheese, it was a easy quick meal to make and we had all the ingredients, "Mhm great job Ken, we're a good team!" I said looking at him, he was looking at the meal we had made, he looked very hungry, "Yeah we are, Y/N, " He said slowly looking up, "We should probably call for dinner now. " He finished, I walked past him to get to the living room and whilst walking I stopped close to him, "Thanks again for the help. " You said, briefly putting a hand on his shoulder...

"Come on guys! Dinners ready!" You yelled loud enough for them to hear, "You made dinner?" Questioned Stan, "Yes Stanley, I did, now get your asses up and come eat!" I said excited, I used to volunteer a lot at the girls orphanage to help with the cooking and I enjoyed seeing people enjoy the food I made, so this was kind of special to me..

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