Another memory flashes back, when I passed the club again and he just stood there outside of the club. I still don't know, if he noticed me or not.

"Oh, I'm... Sorry." I whisper when I feel my body colliding with another. I don't dare looking up to the person's face and all I want to do is go on walking to Mary's.

But as I try to pass the person who I ran into, I feel a hand grabbing my wrist and the other arm wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me towards the chest of the person.

I can feel the muscles and I instantly know who it is. It's him.

I flinch when he whispers in my ear, feeling his warm breath on my neck. "I told you, I will find you anyways." A tingle runs down my spine as I swallow audibly.


"Nervous?" He asks sarcastically and strokes my arm with his thumb. He holds me so tightly against him, I feel a hint of fear in me. I nod my head, immediately regretting it after what he told me. "Use your words, love."

"I-I am." I finally answer after a few moments of silence. "Good. You should be."

What did he just say?

I try to reach for my phone to call Mary, but I get interrupted. "You don't wanna do that." My breath gets heavier and his grip tightens even more. "I won't let you go that easily."

There's one question I have in mind. "Why don't you just leave me alone?" He seems amused and cups one of my cheeks with his hand, wiping away the tears rolling down.

"Because I don't want to." He turns me around, resting his hands on my shoulders. "Look at me, baby girl. You don't want me to do that for you." I remember the moment in the club. He took my chin and roughly turned my face towards him.

I slowly move my head up, seeing him staring right into my eyes. I can't hold his gaze and instantly drop my head. "I can't." I murmur and he puts one of his hands on my chin, lifting it up gentler this time than in the club while wrapping his free arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"You were able to look at me in the club. So do it now!" He commands, causing me to shiver. Since I closed my eyes when he grabbed my chin, I slowly open them. I look straight into his eyes right now.

"Asking you once more. Was it that hard?" I know he wants me to answer, so I try to make a sound. "I... Um... Don't know." That's probably the sincerest answer I could give him.

He doesn't say anything, just looks down at me. He smiles when he notices that I'm scared of him and don't know what to do right now. "You are so innocent, little girl."

He smirks and strokes my cheek with his thumb. I can't move since he holds me tight with his arm wrapped around me. "You don't even wanna know what I wanna do to you." His smirk grows.

What does he mean? What does he want to do to me?

I feel so pathetic. I can't say anything. He has me fully in his power. The situation seems hopeless. I can't think of anything how to escape him.

"Please, let me go." I beg him, but his smirk grows as he speaks. "I won't. You know, I wonder if you've had a boyfriend before."


I didn't realize I'd have to give him an answer to that so I just stayed quiet. "Uh oh. I guess you just ignored me." He speaks before pulling me even closer to him.

"I-I didn't." I stutter, waiting for his reaction. He smirks at me. "So you really are innocent."

"Please, let me go." I repeat. I know it won't help begging him to let me go, but it is the only thing I'm able to say. "Close your eyes. It's not a request so I recommend to do what I say."

My whole body is shaking as I close my eyes. I feel like a trapped animal, unable to flee. I can tell that he moved his head closer to mine as I feel his breath tingling over my face. "I want to do so many things with you." He whispers.

He leans down further and I feel his breath tickling my throat. The next thing I feel is a touch between his lips and my neck. He sucks on my skin, causing me to tremble.

The hand first touching my face is now holding my hair aside from my neck.

I would be lying if I said that it didn't feel good, but to know it is him scares the hell out of me. I try to push him away by pressing my hands against his chest, but he won't let me do that.

He grabs my hair, causing my head to fall back so he has better access to my throat. He sucks a few more times on the exact same spot, then sliding his tongue out of his mouth, licking in circles over the spot on my throat he sucked on.

A quiet moan escapes my mouth, causing him to immediately look up. "Maybe you aren't that innocent, huh? Enjoy it?" He asks while smirking at me.

I shake my head, trying to hide every emotion I'm feeling right now. "If you don't enjoy it I have to use harder means." Right in the moment he wants to crash his lips back on my throat, a voice appears behind me.

"Excuse me, you're stopping my best friend on her way to see me."

Mary! I knew it was her by the tone of her voice.

He let's go off of me and I instantly feel a little relieved. When Mary sees who stopped me, she smiles. She glances at him with a wide grin. "Oh, hey, Harry." She says and hugs him.

Wait, what? I knew that they had known each other, but not that they were so close.

"Whatcha doing here?" She asks him, creating some space between them. "Just went for a walk, you know. Then I met your friend and we talked a little." I can't believe he gets away with that lie.

"Alright then. Maybe I can take her to my place now." She laughs out and takes my hand. "Now that you know her and she knows you, we could go out for dinner tonight?"

Oh no, Mary, please not.

"Sure." He nods his head, smirking at me. I feel like they acted like I wasn't even there during their conversation.

He hugs her goodbye, then turns to me giving me a hug as well, which I don't return. He smiles one last time and then walkers away.

"I saw you had a lot of fun. Wanna go?" She asks and puts on a wide smile.

I can't say anything. It was too much for me to handle.

Mary and I didn't talk much on our way to her house. When we arrived, we sneaked through the hallways to her room. We didn't want to wake up anybody.

She suggested to sleep a little more. So we both hopped into her bed.

"Are you alright, Claire?" She asks, when we were lying in her bed. "I don't know. It was too much for me. You just left me alone in the club, Mary." I finally get myself to tell her about my thoughts.

"I'm so sorry about that. It won't happen again." She says as she slips closer to me and puts an arm around me. I don't know, what I would've done without her. And now that I told her my problem I had, all I feel is gratitude towards her.

A few moments later I feel my eyelids becoming heavier. I don't know what happened next, but I think I just fell asleep again in Mary's arms.


How did you like the chapter?

I liked writing the part she met Harry again ;)

I liked writing the part she met Harry again ;)

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