After three hours of strolling and eating sweet treats, we headed home. It was a pleasant day, and I left fulfilled and happy, hoping that this was just the beginning for good things to come.

We arrived home, and I climbed out of the truck. Dimitri fell in behind me. I walked to the front door and fiddled for the house keys inside my bag. I looked up at the door and noticed that it had been cracked open. Cold shivers ghosted my skin and dread crept up.

"Dimitri..." I called out feebly, not understanding what was happening. I continued to stare at the broken lock on the door, scratched marks showing forced entry.

Dimitri walked up to me, his eyes in a deep frown. I pointed at the lock and the door, still partly open. His face fell from confusion to fear to anger.

He rushed inside.

"Dimitri wait! Shouldn't we call the cops?" I shouted after him. But it was too late. He was inside already.

I cautiously stepped in. Everything seemed in place, the passageway, the kitchen. Maybe it was just a couple of juvenile kids fooling around, trying to justify it. As I walked into the living room, I saw Dimitri freeze on the spot, and to my horror, I stared.

I gasped with wide eyes as I looked at my living room, or once was one, it was completely trashed. Like somebody intentionally destroyed it or torn the place up looking for something.

The three-piece green sofa set was turned over. Tears and slashes were visible from it. The table and furniture were tossed and broken. Shards of wood and glass were scattered on the floor. The curtains and paintings were torn and dragged down from the walls. One curtain hung flimsy on its pole. The television rested flat on the ground with a large crack and hole in the screen, as if they hit with a baseball bat.

I covered my mouth with my hand in disbelief at the disturbing scene. Whoever did this, did it on purpose. I couldn't understand from whom? In shock, my eyes teared up at my torn-up living room and tears threatened to spill out.

"Who could have done this?" I whimpered.

Dimitri was dead quiet. He didn't say a word. He walked over to a piece of paper that clung onto the broken TV screen. He read it. Anger flared from him. I could feel it in waves. Dimitri went rigid, his jaw was tight, and his fists clenched. He shut his eyes as if deep in thought or fighting an internal battle. I didn't know which. He scrunched up the note and threw it on the floor.

He looked at me. Rage was present on his face. He saw my tear-stained eyes and something shifted in his own. I couldn't tell... anger, sadness, remorse, guilt. It seemed every emotion rolled into one.

Dimitri instantly took his bags with his clothes packed in. He walked up to me, his face as hard as stone.

"You need to stay at Sassi for the night, for the rest of the weekend at least. I'll call a repair guy now to replace the door." He said in an even tone. His face was expressionless... and cold.

"I'll make this right. I'll pay every cent back to you for this damage." He continued, his voice distant.

He walked briskly past me and headed for the front door. I frowned. I picked up the scrunched-up note on the floor and quickly unraveled it. The words were plain, and I didn't understand what it meant. It read.

You can't win in this Bleeder

I ran after Dimitri, trying to catch up with his large strides.

"Dimitri..." I called out. "What about you? Where are you going?"

He didn't turn back and continued to storm out in a huff. I ran out and grabbed his arm.

"Dimitri!" I shouted. "Stop and look at me!"

He stopped. He looked still ahead to the front door and took a heavy sigh. He turned to look at me. His stormy eyes subsiding for a moment.

"You need someone better... a guy like Arthur." He said, his eyes glistening.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I'm not good for you..." Dimitri said his voice faltering.

I shook my head hard. "Why would you say-"

"I'M NOT A GOOD GUY LILLIE!" he shouted.

I blinked at his words... shrinking back slightly.

Dimitri flinched.

"I never have been a good guy...I'm a criminal and always will be." he said, his voice turned cold again. "You need to stay away from me... it's for your own good."

He opened the broken front door, and I grabbed his arm again, desperate for him to make me understand what was happening.

"Dimitri... please. Tell me what's going on, please?" I begged, tears welling up. "Maybe I can help?"

He turned away from me, a storm brewing once again in his eyes, "You've done enough for me Lillie, more than I deserve," he said heavily. "You won't be threatened again. I promise you that."


He roughly tugged his arm out of my grip and marched to his truck. He jumped in and started the engine, not glancing my way once.

"Dimitri..." I whispered, watching him drive away from the front door.

I stood silently at the sidewalk, my heart crumbling, the tears streaming out of me as I cried.

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