The last one was especially nice, since it protected you from direct contact with the sun rays.

It felt like forever since the two of you had done something quite like this, usually spending time indoors, enjoying cold temperatures and time away from the sun.

Today, you two had found a way to spend time together and cool down at the same time. It was fun, and it was exactly what you two needed.


After hours of splashing around, going to lay on towels, sunscreen application, and failed attempts at sand castle building, you two finally decided it was time to get that ice cream you'd mentioned earlier.

It didn't take long for both of you to dry since the sun was still bright, but it seemed to slowly be going down. That made you raise a brow.

"What time is it?" You asked as you stared up at the sky. It seemed to still be pure baby blue, but as you lowered your gaze, it turned into lighter shades of orange. You two had been having so much fun, you failed to realize just how long you'd been out here.

"It's 6 in the afternoon." Alex called out as he packed some of the stuff back into the bag. That made your eyes widen a bit as you stared up at the colorful sky.

You lowered your gaze and turned towards him, heading over to help him pack the stuff away. "That means the heat should be calming down soon.." you hummed out, very pleased with that sentence.

He stood, backpack strap now resting on his shoulder, and a small grin on his face. "I know. It'll linger for a while longer, but we'll be able to cool down more easily." You nodded and helped with any other stuff that needed to be carried.

As you two walked side by side, there wasn't much conversation being made. Splashing around in the water seemed to have tired you two out. The only thing that could be heard was steady breathing, distant chatter, and the squeaky sandals that were too wet on Alex's feet. He'd gone to wash his feet, not wanting to be bothered by the sand sticking to his feet, and now his sandals made the loudest squelching noises you'd heard in a while, making you let out a small laugh at the absurdity of it.

He laughed as well, finally breaking the silence between you two. "What?" He murmered as he glanced over at you.

"Nothing.." you responded, a content smile on your lips. "Lets get us some icecream."


You two were now seated on a bench, talking about the simplest of things as you enjoyed your ice cream cones. The ice-cream was sweet and cold, the perfect dessert after a long day of swimming and having sand sticking to your bodies. As soon as you got home, you'd take a shower and knock out on your shared bed. It was the perfect way to finish the day. Enjoying ice cream together.

"Thank you." He said after a bit. "For suggesting we go to the beach and stuff. This is the most fun I've had in a while, and it made me forget about the insufferable heat we've had to deal with."

You looked over at him, and reached over to gently boop his nose. "It's nothing. I had fun too. Thanks for being you." You responded softly. His eyes at that moment looked so warm, so welcoming. Moments like this made you alarmingly aware of why you loved him so much.

You leaned in and placed a small kiss on his lips. He tasted like the ice cream he was eating, which made it even more pleasant. His lips were cold too, a welcoming change to his cheeks which were now burning up.

After you pulled away, you held your ice cream cone out to him. Offering him some. He chuckled before leaning in and trying some of it. He let out a small noise of approval before you two continued to quietly enjoy the ice cream.

The sun had officially gone down by now, but the sky was still bright with the oranges and reds that decorated it so wonderfully. Soon, it would all merge together and create the dark night sky, a sign that your day at the beach together would come to an end.

Once you two had finished up your ice cream cones, it was time to head back home. The heat had calmed down a bit, and the walk home was rather peaceful as well. The only sound being made, once again, was Alex's wet sandals making contact with the floor.

You'd been distracted, looking at the sky and your surroundings, just enjoying his company and feeling your eye lids getting heavier with exhaustion of being out all day.

Your train of thought was disrupted when the sound of a loud thump came, along with a groan of pain. Your eyes widened as you looked to your side and saw him on the floor, hand covering his eyes in despair.

You quickly headed towards him, worry filling your eyes as you helped him sit up. He let out a small hissing sound as he looked down at his knee. You followed his gaze and were surprised to see a scrape on that knee.

You looked up at him and then back at his knee, then back at him. You held gazes before you both burst out into a laugh.

"When's the last time something like this happened, hmm?" You asked as you looked at his scrape. It wasn't too big, but it wasn't that small either. You could tell it stung. You helped him stand up, eliciting a groan from him as he had to move his knee.

"Long fucking time. Since I was a kid." He responded as he looked down at his knee.

"Its those damn wet sandals." You shook your head as you held your hand out to him. "We're almost home. I'll clean it up for you, hm?" You offered, a small teasing smile on your lips, but he didn't reject the help.

Hand in hand, you two headed home, him limping a bit for dramatic effect. But you knew it stung. The blood had even dripped down and stained his leg. Scrapes like those were always unpleasant, so you made sure not to let it happen again. His sandals continued to make the squelching noises, and you couldn't wait to take those monstrosities off him, and give him some dry footwear.

Once you two got home, you sat him down on a chair and kept your promise, helping clean up his scrape, making another promise to bandage him up after he'd taken a shower and was ready to head to bed.

After some time, you two had both showered, feeling rather refreshed and your eyelids getting heavier as well.

He sat down on your shared bed, as you carefully pressed ointment onto his scrape, and bandaged it to avoid it bleeding more and staining stuff.

He gave you a kiss as a 'thank you' and then pulled you into bed with him. You gladly gave in, wrapping your arms around his waist, letting your head rest on his chest as he gently played with your hair. The windows were propped open to let the cold night air in.

The feeling of his hands in your hair, his heart beating rhythmically under you, and the cold wind coming in through the window was enough to lull you to sleep, and soon he'd fallen asleep as well.

The day had been so fun, you two always managed to find a way to entertain each other. And in this case, you'd helped each other find relief from the summertime heat.

And now it was finally time to rest.


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