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He had been sitting at his desk for over 2 hours now, engulfed in work and upcoming projects he wanted to put out there by the end of the month. You'd told him to take a break at least 4 times in the span of the 2 hours, but he just kept waving you off, telling you he was fine and needed to get the editing done.

You'd laid down on the bed, watching as he worked. Sat beside him and tried helping. Made the two of you some snacks, brought him water. Went to the living room and tried distracting yourself with the TV and the variety of entertainment it offered.

Yet you found yourself back in the room, staring at the man hard at work, every single time.

The bright light from his monitor cascaded and accentuated his features. As beautiful as he looked, it was also clear that he was tired. The dark circles that had been forming over the past months and had gotten progressively worse were now highly noticeable. The frown etched onto his usually happy features. The crease between his brows that told he was heavily focused on whatever was displayed on his screen. It was all beautiful details that made your love for Alex grow, but it also made you worry.

You had been standing by the doorway, leaning against the frame before walking over to him. "Alex.." you called out softly, watching the lack of reaction, beside the small hum to let you know he heard you. "How about a break?" You suggested yet again.

He shook his head, hands busily typing away on his keyboard. "Can't. I need to edit this video. Need to make sure it's good enough to upload." You looked over at his screen, seeing what video he was working with, and immediately remembered the day he had recorded it.

So many laughs had been heard from the room, signs of enjoyment and a great video. Once you had decided to tune in, you had also had to stifle your laughs so they couldn't be heard in the video, which proved to be surprisingly difficult.

Yet here he was, editing the video around so much in order to make it appealing to his audience. "But I thought you really liked this one? I remember you had fun with it."

He shrugged. "Had. Now I'm not too sure." He admitted, letting out a small sigh that gave away how tired he was. A small frown appeared on your lips as you reached out and placed your hand on his shoulder. You gave it a gentle squeeze before speaking, "Hey. The video is great. I'm sure they'll love it."

He leaned forward, resting his chin on the palm of his hand, doubt clear in his eyes.

Recently, there had been an influx of new followers, and you could only guess that it was the reason for his sudden lack of confidence regarding whether the content he was putting out was good enough for his growing audience.

"Alex." You called out again, to which he only hummed. "Alex." You try again, to which this time he responds by swiveling his chair around so he was facing you. "What?"

You gently cup his face with both hands, which takes him by surprise. You gently caress his cheek with your thumb, the small frown on your lips still on display. You can see him visibly relax, "Can you please take a break? Come. Please."

You remove your hands from his face and instead hold your hand out for him to grab. He looks down at it before looking back at his monitor. There is some hesitation, but then he reaches and takes your hand in his. You let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding in as you pull him up and out of the chair he had been sitting in for over two hours. You guide him over to the bed, making him sit down.

Once he's sitting, your hands instinctively find their way back to cup his face. "Are you feeling overwhelmed with all the new viewers?" Your question caught him off guard, but he gave a small nod, refusing to make eye contact even though his face was cupped gently by your hands.

With a small nudge to his cheek, he looks back over at you. Leaning in, you place a few kisses on his cheek in an effort to calm him. "Baby.. if they decided to tune in, then that means you must've been doing something right already. They like you and the content you make. You have nothing to worry about. Whatever you decide to put out there, I'm sure they'll like it." You leaned in to place a few more kisses all over his face. That included his forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, nose, and finally on his lips.

"I guess I just.. want to make sure what I'm putting out is good enough." Your thumbs continued to gently caress his cheeks as you nodded fervently. "And it is good enough. You work so hard, Alex. They know that and they appreciate it too. They love you and your content so much, baby. That video you're stuck on.. it's hilarious, trust me. They'll love it." He gently bit down on his bottom lip, looking away before looking back over at you. "You really mean that.?"

At that moment, he looked so delicate, so precious, and you wanted nothing more than to make sure he knew he was doing amazing. "Of course, baby. Take a break, please. You deserve it." There was a small smile on his lips now as he looked back over at his screen.

"Then.. I think the video is ready to be uploaded. I was sitting there trying to find something to change. To make it better.. but you're right. The viewers tuned in for me, and for what I'm doing." Hearing him say that made your heart melt, and you could only respond by nodding your head in agreement.

"How about you start the uploading process and while it uploads, you eat something?" You asked, to which he smiled and nodded. You let go of his face, and he headed back to his computer, starting the uploading process.

Once it was officially uploading, you took his hand again, leading him out of the room and to the kitchen, knowing it would take a decently long time before the video uploaded.

Now that Alex sat at the dinner table, you were going to make sure that he ate properly and got some rest. Some well deserved time dedicated solely to relaxing.


You were both sat on the couch, stomachs full and content, TV on watching a show you two had stumbled upon while scrolling.

Alex cupped the side of your face, leaning in and placing a kiss on your lips. "Thank you, for helping me feel better earlier. And taking care of me." You smiled, leaning in and giving him another small kiss before nodding. "Of course, that's what I'm here for."

He shook his head, a smile on his lips as he came closer, going back to cuddling as you two watched the TV. By now, the video had been uploaded and the viewers' response had been overwhelmingly positive, most finding it as hilarious as you had told him earlier.

"See? You had nothing to worry about. You did so good, baby." You whispered to him, placing another quick kiss on his cheek.

"Mm yeah yeah.." he hummed, closing his eyes to enjoy all the affection and support he was receiving from you. He was finally getting the break he deserved. The sight of him enjoying himself brought you an overwhelming sense of joy.

You'd make sure he never felt like his efforts weren't enough ever again. 

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