He leaned forward, his face close to mine. He breathed against my ear, his hot breath prickling my skin.

"I really like you Lillie," he whispered. His voice husky. I looked at his hooded eyes. And all I saw was lust.

The air felt charged around us. Electricity rising between our chests. My breath felt shallow as I breathed in deep.

I felt nothing but heat under Arthur's lustful gaze. My eyes fell to his full delicious lips, that were slightly parted, ready for me.

His soft lips brushed the side of my neck, kissing my skin softly, sending tingles down my spine. Arthur continued, kisses turned to licking and then to sucking lightly. I arched my back, he's strong arms wrapped around my waist, holding me tight.

My shyness and awkwardness were gone, and desire took over. I leaned forward, closing the small gap between us. My lips kissed him hungrily. He returned it, ravishing me. His kiss was deep and passionate, his tongue dancing with mine, consuming me whole. He took my left hand and guided it to his firm abs. I felt the ripples on his hot skin.

His hands travelled lower, cupping my ass. He lifted me up and pushed my body against the nearby wall. He pressed his hard chest against my soft breasts and grinded his hips against my core. Arthur picked me up and moved us back to the table, one hand holding me tight, kissing my neck and the other pushing the lasagna tray away, making space for me. He placed my trembling body on the table and parted my legs at its edge.

Arthur leaned on top of me, snuggling himself between my thighs. His kisses slowed down, and I breathed in his delicious cologne, yummy enough to eat. I could feel him getting harder by the second, and all I could think about was him inside me, filling me up. He broke the kiss, his delicate fingers unbuttoning my dress on top. My bra peeked through.

"Hmmm, red lace," he said, gazing hungrily at my lingerie.

A naughty smile crept up Arthur's face. His gaze snapped up to my eyes, a look of promise yet to be fulfilled.

He tunneled his hand under my bra, palming my left breast. He gently squeezed my nipple, rippling pleasure throughout my body.

I stifled a moan.

"Maybe I should go further..." Arthur whispered, as he took my nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting softly. I was about to lose it.

He slid his hand under my dress. He edged around my lace panties and rubbing my clit. I sucked in a breath and threw my head back, loosening my hair out of its neat bun.

I moved against his hand involuntarily, my eyes closed, lost in the sensation.

"Yes," I whimpered.

He continued stroking his fingers expertly over my slick folds. I could see why he was so good with the cello. The man knew what he was doing. The feeling built up in my core, threatening to send me over the edge. I started to shake slightly against him.

He slid a finger inside me.

I gasped.

"Are you ready for the concert?" Arthur asked breathlessly against my ear.

Why on earth would he be talking about the concert at a time like this, I thought.

I moaned "Well uhm, I think it will... go okay. Uhm, I just need... need... more practice," I struggled to get the words out as he slipped another finger into me.

Arthur chuckled, clearly enjoying the pleasure he was unleashing into my body. But two could play that game.

I moved forward and reached down into his jeans, and took him in my hands, giving his impressive sized cock a good few strokes. He stifled a moan, biting his lower lip.

Arthur moved my legs, positioning me against his pulsing erection.

This was the moment he was about to enter me. I wanted him. I wanted to be with Arthur. But something snapped in my mind, and it didn't feel quite right suddenly.

My body froze and the euphoria I felt just a second ago vanished as quickly as it came. Here I was with the man I liked, shirtless, sexy, and wanting me.

Yet something in me wanted to prevent this.

Arthur must have noticed my change in feeling because he slowed down to a complete stop. I got off the table quickly, feeling embarrassed, bringing my lace panties up.

"What's wrong?" Arthur asked, concerned.

I frowned, wanting to cry. I didn't know what was wrong with me. This was what I wanted, after all.

Tears stung my eyes. "I don't know. Maybe we should take things slow." I said in a whisper.

Arthur looked stunned. "Yes, of course. I'm sorry if I rushed things. I thought you want-"

"It's not your fault. I thought I was ready, but clearly not yet." I said desperately.

Arthur nodded.

I continued to fix my dress and hair and grabbed my violin case. Arthur walked me to the front door. Awkward silence hung between us.

"Thanks for the evening, Arthur... I really appreciate it," I said tenderly.

He smiled.

Arthur deserves better, I thought tearfully.

What the hell was wrong with me?


I drove all the way home, upset with myself and completely disappointed. I didn't want to think about anything besides crawling into bed and staying there forever. I got out of the car, oblivious to the neighbor calling my name. My fingers fiddled for my keys in my bag.

"Lillie!" I jerked, spinning around.

An old white-haired woman stood right behind me. I clutched my bag against my shaken chest. I breathed again, recognizing Mrs. Bates, my next-door neighbour.

"I've been trying to call you over, but you seem miles away?" Mrs. Bates said, eyeing me with an arched eyebrow.

"Sorry Mrs. Bates, I didn't hear you." I smiled apologetically. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm here to deliver this letter to you." She handed me a white envelope.

My heart stood still.

"A letter?.. from who?" the last word came out with caution, as I took the letter slowly out of Mrs. Bates' fingers.

"A young, tall, rough looking man was here earlier at your door, asking if you were here." She said suspiciously. "Knowing that you were not, I offered to give his letter when you returned."

I swallowed hard.

"Do you know who's it from?" Mrs. Bates continued to enquire.

"Thank you, Mrs. Bates," I blurted and entered my front door and closed it before she could say another word.

I eyed the envelope warily. In front was my name, addressed strictly to me. No stamp was attached. At the back was an unknown address written in the same handwriting I thought I'll never see again. I closed my eyes and sat down, shitting myself, figurately of course.

I slowly opened the letter with strange anticipation and read.

Dearest Lillie,

I hope I'm not frightening you with my letters. The last thing I want is for you to be afraid of me. I'm staying at the half-way house and would like for us to meet if you'll allow it. I have something important I would like to discuss with you.

My address is written at the back for your response.

I hope and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours always,


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