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Dear Journal,

First day of school was a disaster. I got lost with this stupid middle school schedule. Like what the heck! This is not how I wanted things to go. Every class I was late to and nobody helped me! I did make a couple friends though. Nina Autry. Sammie Gilbert. That's all the names I can think of. I do remember one guy. Oh what's his name...David something. He's cute. He's in my math class. The one class where I actually am stupid in. Great. I wonder if he's single, probably not but anyway I wonder how this year is going to go. It should be interesting at this rate. I love my science teacher though. He seemed like a complete perv because he would look down people's shirts and stuff but oh well. I don't have anything to show to him haha. I met some people in that class but I can't remember their names. Lunch was weird as well. They had this whole line thing going on and it was all ordered. No I'll stick with my mixed up other school thank you. It was pretty weird to see all this really good food to eat, and you could even get snacks! They never had that at my old school! Speaking of which, I am now at my dads house. My mom is looking for a house or apartment and I think she found one with her guy friend. Doesn't matter to me, I don't really care about what goes on in home life. I really miss my old friends. The last day of school they cried for me not to leave and then I never heard of them since. It makes me sad knowing I'll never see them again. They cared for me so much and it hurts. Maybe moving wasn't a good idea. Or maybe it was. I don't know and I probably wont. It will be hard to fit in though. These people have things learned all over the place. How they do it is a mystery. Oh probably because they learned stuff a year before me. Doesn't matter, I'll try to figure it out. And I learned there's always a rude kid in the grade. It was Tyler Moon. She kept complaining about everything in science class. Ugh it was terrible. Although after all that, my social studies teacher was amazing. He is funny and most people were laughing with him the whole class period. We get to learn about the black death this year too! I love the black death! (Only learning about it though, never do I want anyone to get it). I watch the History Channel on TV so I know so much history already. That doesn't matter. I think this year will be different for me. I don't know if its a good or bad different. Hopefully it goes alright and I can move back to my old school to be with my friends. But I don't want to move as well. Its like this force is compelling me to stay here. Mayve it is fate, maybe its nothing. Maybe I'm crazy. Probably. So many people are talking about high school. I can't wait for it as well. They say that there are many kids there who are cute. Maybe that could be a score for me haha. I could make a checklist maybe of things to do at this school. Here I'll write one just in case.

1) Make friends, don't screw up this time

2) Get popular, you need people

3) Be social, again, you need people

4) Try new things, hey why not

5) Finish this list, that could help a bit

6) Join clubs, hey you never know why

7) Spend time with friends, just because

8) Be happier, not too happy though

9) Adapt to school life, pretty simple (not)

10) Get responsible, you will need it

11) BOYFRIEND, okay that's a must...

12) Phone, everyone has one, not me

13) Be yourself, don't be a faker

14) Don't cry, nobody likes a crier

15) Don't hate people, that's not nice

16) Get good grades, another must

17) Get better at math, why not

18) Don't forget friends come first, :)

19) Get new clothes, new life after all

20) Dream on, you must live to love

That list should help me for life and school. I am very organised as you can see. Well at least you know my plans for this school aren't bad ones. I thought they weren't. They seem pretty good but I will also need to work my butt off for them. Ugh. I'll come back in a couple days. My mom is calling me for dinner. It smells pretty good haha. Okay goodbye Journal.

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