Lost souls

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Ana sighed to herself as she got off the cargo ship "ugh, I'm getting too old for all that Chicago crap" she had grown tired of traveling to places that had nothing to look forward to, like just a scout mission or patrolling the watchpoints around the states

she skittered off to the main office and was greeted by her old friends, she remembered how her and Jack came back and how exited everyone was seeing them again "hey, Captain Amari" Genji greeted looking up at her from the globe "salutations Genji, hows your brother?" Genji chuckled "he's fine hopefully Zenyattas teaching him well on how not to be such an ass" Ana laughed "yeah, I hope so too"

Lena and Angela pauses from conversation "good to see you Ana!" Lena smiled up at the mother figure whom was thankfully still the same "I see your still just as positive like your rookie days" she smiled at the young agent 


"how's Emily?" 

"oh she's quite alright love" Lenas smile widened with a tiny blush

Amari giggled "good to hear" 

she went upstairs to Jacks office shutting the door on her way in "hey, how's everything holding up?" she asked in a sort of gingerly tone "I'm fine, how was the scouting?" Ana sighed as she sat at a chair across from him "oh, you won't believe how awful it was"

she answered dramatically flinging her arm across her eye cringing at herself "oh was it?" he answered smiling with a cocked brow "yeahhh" she sighed back peering back at him

they both chuckled for a moment before hearing muffled talk from the other side that didn't sound too good, Ana and Jack exchanged serious and concerned glances before getting up to see what the commotion was about

"guys what's going on?" Ana asked in a sort of demanding tone, Genji was typing at the holographic computer at the globe

"its just high groups of those theifs causing trouble in Dorados capital....again" he sighed in a sort of annoyed voice "you know it gives me an open window to do something other than sitting at a desk all day...plus i think I need to set my mind off a few things for awhile"

Morrison murmered to himself clearing his throat "Ana's in charge till I get back" everyone snapped their gazes at his direction as he was about to leave

"sir, where are you going?" Tracer asked half concerned

he peered back at her "to head off and help Dorado"

Ana added on "by yourself?"

he chuckled "i've done it before, what's stopping me from doing it again?" Jack grabbed his visor from Genji whom handed it to him 

Ana crossed her arms narrowing her eye with a sharp stare "I don't know maybe ending up making a stupid decision like how you rushed in that time we met up in Egypt?"

Jack chuckled curling her hair around her ear kissing her by the cheek before whispering in her ear "ill be fine, don't worry about it" he put his visor on and ran off "heh, didn't think he was your type Amari" she laughed "now, now get back to work" she playfully punched his shouldier, he pretended it hurt with a quiet wince "ooow okay, okay I'm working" everyone burst out laughing as Ana heard Soldier's jet take off


"where did she run off this time?"

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