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Bucky is having a nightmare so you wake him up and so to the roof to look at the stars and it's like really sweet and stuff. (and I got this from my friend bc it happened to her with her crush sooo...)

Bucky is thrashing around in his sheets, sweat pouring off his body. You could hear his whimpers from your room. You started to get worried, and decided you would go check on him.

"JARVIS? Is Bucky's room locked?", you whisper.
"Hello, Ms. Y/L/N. James Barnes room is locked.", he responds, also whispering.
"Please unlock his door."
"Yes, Ms. Y/L/N."

You walk out the door and head to Bucky's room. You find the JARVIS did unlock the door so you open it quietly. Bucky is still trashing and he is flexing his metal arm. He starts shouting and screaming in fear. You rush over to his bed side, worry coursing through your veins.

"Bucky! Bucky, wake up!", you say.

He is still moving but not responding.

"BUCKY!", you shout now, worried that he won't wake up.

He suddenly says, "Ready to comply."

You start to freak out even more now, knowing how things can get when he turns back into the Winter Soldier. He begins to raise his metal arm to you, and he grips your wrist. His strength is still astonishing to you. You try to pry his fingers from your wrist, but nothing works. You are still shouting and trying to wake him up. His eyes finally shoot open and he realizes what he's doing. He immediately lets go of your wrist and starts apologizing.

"Omg, Y/N! I'm so, so sorry! Did I hurt you?Are you ok? I'm so sorry! Please forgive me Y/N! I didn't mean to! I-.", he begins to say, but you cut him off.
"Bucky... it's ok. I'm ok. We're ok. Ok?", you try to calm him down.
"Ok", he smiles slightly, but he's still breathing heavily.

You smile back, and he hugs you to his chest. He sways you guys back and forth.

"Hey, um, Y/N? Can we go to the roof to look at the stars? It just helps calm me down and it's really nice and-.", he asks.
"Of course, Bucky. Anything.", you cut him off again.

He smiles back at you and you guys grab some snacks and blankets. You head up to the roof of the Avengers Compound. You guys sit down and drape the blankets over yourselves, and opening the snacks. You stare at the sky for what seems like hours, but was really just half an hour. Bucky started to point out the constellations and the names of stars. You found it so cute that he knew all of this, and listened closely to everything he said. When he was done, you guys just continued to look at the stars. Bucky put his arm around you and just hugged you close.

"Thank you, Y/N. Thank you for caring about my nightmares and doing what I need to calm myself down. Thank you for being there for me, and being kind. Thank you.", Bucky whispers through the night.
"Bucky, you know I love you right? I will always be there for you, no matter what.", you say smiling.
"Yes, doll. And I love you.", he responds, also with a smile.

You guys lay back against the roof and just stare up to the sky, admiring the beauty of the full moon, and the stars along with it. It looks like dream, a fantasy, like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Bucky's features are just barely lit up by the moon's light, but you can see his relaxed smile, and his content eyes. He finally seems completely happy, ever since the whole Winter Soldier thing. He has been through so much, and deserves the universe. You keep staring at him, with your heart filled with pure happiness. He eventually turns around to look at you, gazing into your eyes. You guys stare into each others souls until you fall asleep. He brings you into his arms, resting your head against his chest. He then falls asleep against you. The only thoughts running through both your minds are that you both will cherish this perfect moment forever.

time skip (lol sryyy)

You wake up in Bucky's arms, soggy from the light rain that fell last night. It is early morning, and the fog is still low to the ground. You can barely see the tree tops. You take in a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air. Bucky stirs beneath you, grumbling a little.

"Good morning, Bucky.", you say staring down at his still groggy face.

"Hmm? Wha-? Oh, right. Good morning.", he is still a little tired, making him very confused.

You chuckle a little at this, and he joins in. You guys pack up all the stuff, and Bucky wraps a blanket around you so you don't get too cold. He puts everything back, not wanting you to do any of the work. No one is up yet, so it's just you two. When he's done in the kitchen, he picks you up and takes you back to your room. He lays you down very softly, and pulls the covers over you.

"Goodnight, Y/N.", he mutters, kissing your forehead.

"Goodnight, Bucky."

He begins to walk out of the room, but you want him to stay there with you.

"Bucky, wait."

"Yes, doll?"

"Can you please stay here with me?"

"Of course."

He smiles and walks over to the bed, getting in and pulling the covers over himself. He pulls you to him again, this time resting your head over his shoulder. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him even closer. You guys were always wanting to be with the other, knowing that they could always make them happy. He loved you with his whole heart, and you loved him with your whole heart. You will always be with him, he will always love you, and nothing could ever break your bond with him. You make a promise to yourself to keep this memory and to never forget your moments with Bucky. He also makes a promise to himself, to never forget you, no matter what. You guys fell asleep in each others arms for the second time, completely content and happy.

again, sry. this is super short and bad, I just wanted to write sometimes ab this lol. ok, have a nice day/night! (also I didn't realize this had views, so thx sm!)

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