Day Off

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You and Bucky have a day off, and the Avengers are on a mission. You guys have been dating for around a year and today you guys just kinda mess around and are with each other the whole day.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N WAKE UP!", Bucky almost shouted, startling you awake.
"BUCKY WHAT THE HELL!", you also shouted, incredibly angry.
"Good morning doll."
His eyes were shining bright with excitement because it was just you and him at the Avengers compound. You could hardly be mad at him when "those steel blue eyes let you know where home is, they're my safe place." (plz tell me you know where that's from)
"Good morning Buck.", you say, now with a smile on your face.
"Ok stay right here, I'll be back in a minute."
You were still a little groggy, and you were wondering what Bucky was doing. He came back a bit later with a tray full of your favorite food and a cup of water.
"Here is your breakfast m'lady.", Bucky says in a British accent, leaning down in a bow with the tray.
"Awww, thanks Buck!"
"My pleasure, madam.", he says again in a British accent, kissing your hand.
He then jumps on the bed and starts taking food from the tray.
"What, I made it!", he says with a smirk.
You guys continue to eat until it's all finished. Eventually, you fall asleep again for about an hour, and wake up to Bucky staring at you again. He's playing with your hair, and his smile is just so beautiful.
"Good morning again, Y/N."
"Hey, Bucky."
"Soooooo, what do you wanna do?", he asks with excitement in his voice.
"How about making lunch?", you respond noticing that it's already 11:45.
"Great!", he gets up and drags you with him to the kitchen.
You guys make quesadillas and rice (or whatever you want), and have soda with it. It tastes amazing and renews your energy for the day. You guys then start blasting music and dancing along to it.
"Hungry eyes, one look at you and I can't deny that I've got, hungry eyes!", Bucky sings, knowing every word.
You also sing along with him and show off your aMaZiNg dancing skills. Eventually, you guys can't control your laughter and just roll on the ground for a good few minutes. You finally get it together and decide to watch a movie. Bucky gets the popcorn while you start playing your favorite movie. The movie finally finishes, and you guys make cookies. But it turns into a full on food fight. It starts with Bucky throwing a small piece of dough at you, and you throwing a larger one.
"Hey that was way bigger than the one I threw!", Bucky says with false anger.
You just laugh and throw more at him, and, well... it escalates. Eventually, there's dough literally everywhere. On the cabinets, the ceiling, and especially you guys. There were no cookies made, just a mess. The Avengers are back by now and Tony walks in and goes CRAZY.
You can tell Bucky's trying not to laugh as tony lectures you guys. He eventually bursts, making you laugh too, and everybody else except for Tony who just stands there disappointed. You guys clean up, occasionally just eating the dough. The kitchen is finally clean and Wanda makes dinner for everyone. It's AMAZING, obviously, because it's Wanda's cooking. You guys eat dinner and talk, Peter talking about his new science project. Bruce also interrupts Peter occasionally, getting super invested in the project. Tony is his usual sassy self, and Pepper tries to keep his mouth shut. Everyone is laughing and having a good time, and Nat gets out the ice cream for dessert (that is because, well, the cookies didn't exactly work out). Everyone finishes the ice cream and start to trickle back to their rooms. You and Bucky are the second to last ones to your guy's' room. Nat is cleaning the dishes with Clint.
"Sooo what now?", Bucky asks, not exactly wanting the night to end.
"Let's take a shower before we do anything else", you respond laughing.
"Fineeeeeeee.", he says sighing, falsely annoyed.
You guys take a pretty long shower together (no y'all did not do the nasty), the shower water being warm and comforting. Bucky washes your hair, while you wash his. He sighs in content as you wash his long hair. You guys finish up and dry off. You change into one of Bucky's shirts, and he just puts on boxers and sweatpants.
"Bucky, do you wanna watch another movie?", you ask, not really knowing what to do next.
"Yessss! How about Star Wars?!", he exclaims.
You know he loves Star Wars, and so do you, so you agree. You guys watch Star Wars: The Last Jedi. You smile hugely when you see the Porgs, they're just super cute. Bucky notices this, and he just kind of stares at you for a while, not registering the movie anymore. You are super invested in the movie, so you don't notice Bucky's eyes on you. Finally, you see him.
"What, Bucky?", you question, but your eyes are still on the screen.
"Nothing, just that you look very beautiful right now.", he sighs happily, still just staring.
You blush, responding with a simple "Thanks.".
You guys continue with the movie, but Bucky's mind is still on you. He loves you so, so much. The movie eventually finishes, and you are just obsessed. You talk about how good it was, when the next one will come out, how cool the one fight scene was, and the Porgs. Bucky just stares into your eyes until you're finished.
For the second time you ask, "What?".
"I just need to tell you. I love when your eyesight up when you talk about your passion, your baking skills, and your hair, and your kindness. I love you so much Y/N.", he says, just smiling.
"I love you too Bucky Barnes.", you smile dreamily.
You guys cuddle until you fall asleep, you knowing that you will always be Bucky's.

Sry again, this is really short and bad. I wasn't feeling very creative and I was just stressed with school lol. But yea that's it.

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