~CHAPTER 9~ part 2

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Okeyyy soo ok sorry for the last chapter 9 part 1 the story was i wanted to Save it to My drafts to continue later. THEN I CLICKED THE PUBLISH BUTTON LIKE TF. Sooo soooorryyyyyy. Anyways lets get started im excited already :3

"N-nobod-ee-" "no one ?" "I- Idk... actually i like This one person.. But i think she likes someone else so yeah im not sure.." he was literally talking about you. He made a dissapointed face But then just looked at you and smiled. You and your thouhts was like (WHO IS IT ? YAYA ? YING ? ALYA ? Auussshhhh he has a crush damn it. Now i feel rejected.) you just gave him a fake smile all dough you were hurt inside (its Okay y/n.. calm down no need to be emotional) "haaahhh im sleepyyy heheh lets go to bed okey ?" "Yeah lets go.." you guys said goodbye then went to your dorms and you also went in your bed and just went blank "seriously i feel so rejected damn it" you just then went to sleep not thinking a thing after that.

As for boboiboy. He felt that he had to hold his feelings. Well boboiboy wasnt pressed like you. He didnt thougt about who was your Crush at all. So he just also went to sleep at the same time with you.

The next morning, commander called you guys at his office so you guys gathered and you recived your captain uniform from tapops, it looks like This!

The next morning, commander called you guys at his office so you guys gathered and you recived your captain uniform from tapops, it looks like This!

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The uniform is jussttt like papazola's uniform ! It has dark red, dark blue and white ! So yeah heres your uniform y/n! Okeh lets continue..

"Tq commander!" Commander kokochi nodded and looked at you and the rest of the team "okay, today. I will be assigning a mission ! You all have to go planet aqua ! And to find quabot. And captain y/n, as always you are the captain in this mission." You and the rest nod then went to the ship OF COURSE YOU WERE DRIVING then you guys started your journey to planet aqua.

7 hours past and you guys finally arrived. "Wowww it's such a beautiful planet !" Everyone nodded and eyes shimmering. "Says here that quabot is west." "Okay let's go." You guys started your journey for 15 hours then finally arrived at quabot's location "FUHHH OKAY WE HAVE ARRIVED" "you guys saw a big shell with a mini key hole at the front you guys tried to open it but kinda failed "hmm I guess we have to find the key then." "BUT HOW ALAAA I WANT TO EAT MY KARI ALREADY COMMON LAH-" bang!! "Shut up will ya ? Or you want me to use My gravity punch to make it harder hm ?" "AAHHH AMMA THAT HURTS NOONONO ITS OKAY ILL SHUT UP" "good." You laughed "PFTTT- HAHAHAHHA" fang came to you then asked "captain, what are we going to do ?" You looked at him and put your hand at your chin "hmm there must be a clue of where is the key.. the key wont be simply somewhere here, it must be hidden. Lets focuse on finding clues." They all nod and started to search for the clue. 2 hours of searching still nothing, the rest were starting to give up but you didnt you were still finding out where is the key, you went to the big Shell and looked closer at they key hole then excidently kicked a glass bottle with paper in it "ehh- what is This ?" You opened the bottle and took out the paper and saw a key in it "FOUND IT" "WHAAATTTT" the others literally fainting seeing you found it so easily, "hmm we didnt have to find the clue huh ? Wow why then lock the Shell ?" You took the key then opened the Shell and saw quabot, "FUHH MISSION COMPLETE!" You were about too take aquabot But then recevied a call from commander "captain y/n !" "Commander ? WAIT WHATS GOING ON THERE!?" You saw tapops station was in chaos at the back." Weve been attack ! But they already left and we are in a stable condition. But, something not quite good happened.." "what happened ?" "A alien named Kira is coming to your location.." "huh ? What ARE THEY GOING TO TAKE QUABOT OR SOMETHING ?" "No captain y/n." "What ? Then why ? What does she want ?" "Haih, when she attacked the station she was trying to find boboiboy.. " "e-Eh ??" Literally BOBOIBOY AT THE BACK BECAME FROZEN "wtf-" "i think its because of your watch, that's what they want." "Your right captain y/n that's logic enough." "Haih so what are we supposed to do Commander ?" "I think you guys should stay at the planet instead. She is on her way there and maybe already arrived. If you guys flew out of planet aqua, she'll probably see you guys and attack the ship. If  you guys teleport to the station , her guards also may attack you guys. Because her guards are still outside and captain kaizo is fighting with them." "Hmph ! Got that commander-" you guys didn't get to finish your sentence suddenly a blue big ship arrived infront of you guys and the call with you and Commander gotten stuck. "What the-" the ships door opens then you guys saw a girl tall and slim, with a really REALLY TIGHT SHORT DRESS with long hair and red lips. The women walks out of the door and gave a little evil chuckle "found you my boboiboy! HAHAHAHAHHA" boboiboy maked an angry face same as you "who are you ?" Boboiboy asked "me ? HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA you still don't know my dear ? I am kira~ the future user of the elemental power~" "AAAAHHHH APAKAHHH AMMAAAA TOLONGGG" gopal literally running in circles and hide behind fang, the alien comes towards boboiboy puting her hand at his chest and all the way up to his lips "I want  your precious powers~ simple!" you then saw boboiboys eyes literally just looking and not moving an inch and that maked you felt strange (what's with him ?) boboiboy then was on his knees and closed he's eyes, unconscious. the alien then moves her hand down to boboiboys power watch ,you then went in front of her and holds her "dont touch him." She then punched you from the side you got hit by a big rock and your head was bleeding as you feel nosiest "EEEEE TUMBUKAN GRAVITI!" "TENDANGAN LAJU!!" yaya and ying got hit by her big hammer at her hand trying to save there best friend but failed. "YAYA! YING!" Gopal ran to yaya and ying while fang ran towards you "shoot! Aish!". "AUSHHH WHAT SHOULD WE DOOO???" Ochobot literally calling boboiboy many many times but still he didn't answer or respond. Fang tried activating his powers but couldn't "eh!? WHATS WRONG WITH ME !?" an evil chuckle was heard and slowly became a psychopaths laugh "HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH HAIHH YOU GUYS ARE SOOO EAASSYYYY HAHAHAHAHAH" "what-" "you guys didn't notice ? SERIOUSLY? HAHAHAHHA OMGGG I CANT STOP LAUGHING haih dont you smell this unparticular smell ? You don't ? I see that means your humans ? Hmm HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA" "TF I DONT UNDERSTAND A THING" "haih okay okay I'll explain haih, I released a-" "poison." You cut kira of and her blue eyes went to your honey brown eyes. "A poison that erases powers, am I right ?""Huh you are a little bit intelligent huh young girl ?" "Heh thanks for the compliment" "your captain y/n right ? I've heard about you at the station before" you stand up wiping you blood at your mouth glaring at her without even blinking a bit "huh really ? Guess I don't have to introduce myself then. Now what did you do to boboiboy?" "Huh I have no need to tell you what do you think you are ?" "Well then no need." you take your long sword then getting ready to fight her suddenly fang stood in front of you "captain you should remember that you don't have any powers, you can't fight her" "WHAT NO MOVE" "no. It's for your safety. Boboiboy will also do the same thing dont you think ?" "GET TF OUT OF MY WAY FANG-" kira then stabbed a needle like bottle at fang then fang lost conscious. you got cut at the leg as it was bleeding quite hard. You, laying at the ground, kira smirks then slowly walk towards boboiboy and rubs he's cheeks "your done for." she smirks.

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