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Haluuuu! Hehehe hey guys ! Soo Today I'm gonna be writing a new chapter cuzzz I'm free ! And also I don't have any online classes now soo yeah I'm gonna write chapter 9 for you guys ! And yeah for this chapter. I think there will be a little yeah SACRIFICE sooo get ready NYEHEHEHHEHEHE BUBYE ENJOY BABYSS!

you guys have been working at tapops for 5 days since your first mission, AANNDD GUESS WHATTT you were promoted to captain ! Yeah that's because you could drive a FREAKIN SHIP and yeah papazola's  not around. So your there to take his place. Sooo your name is CAPTAIN Y/N L/N !! uuuuuu hello captain y/n!!! HAHAHAHHAH OKEY KNOW IM EXCITED OKAY OKAY CONTINUE. you, yaya and ying were in the library studying about power pheres, while the boys were on a mission. You guys were bored that's why you guys decided to go to the library. "Wouww so many power pheres ! I didn't know it's this much, we only saved like, hmm maybe 30% ? Haih there are so many more that we have to save.." "yeah your right.." "wowww guys check this out !" You and ying turned to where yaya was, she was holding a book that head a pink Power phere. "beautybot ? WHAT" "WTF THAT TYPE OF POWER PHERES EXIST?" "Yeaaa gurls" your guys eyes shimered looking at the book then just laughed "HAHAHAHAHAHHA If we even Saved This one we couldnt use it tho i dont think so hahahahahah!!!" You guys laughed for hours with LITERALLY NO REASON YEAH YOU GUYS ARE BESTIES YEAH ITS NORMAL. then you guys went to the dorms then saw the boys from their mission fang was alright, gopal and... WAIT you then SAW BOBOIBOY EYES WIDENED SEEING HIM WITH FULL OF WOUNDS AROUND HIS BODY you ran to him then hold his cheeks you were so freakin worried about him until tears started to ran down your face, boboiboy was shocked with a confused face "e-Eh Y/N WHY ARE YOU CRYING!?" "why are there so many wounds ? WHAT DID YOU DO YOU IDIOT" "This ? No no nooo This are from the misson, there was a big Monster who yeah, was mad heheheh" "aishhh This idiot ! You keep making me worried.. it was the same with your last mission !" Boboiboy just gave you a small smile then just "hey calm down im Okay ! Alright ? No need tk cry.." he says while wiping your tears you sighed then pulley him in his dorm took his towel and Clothes "go take a bath, then ill treat your wound k ?" "Okey" he then takes a bath them you came out from the dorm and saw yaya and ying hearing what happened at the mission "yaya ying ! You guys can go back to the dorm first, i want to go treat someones wounds.." "you mean your bf's wounds~" you turned to then and maked a WTF face then they just maked a sinister chuckle. "SHUT UP" "NYEHEHEHHEHE" you then waved at them and went to find the emergency medical kit, you then succesfully found it then went back to the boboiboys dorm, you knock at the door then boboiboy's voice was heard "come in !" You then opens the door and saw BOBOIBOY WEARING A BLACK T SHIRT WITH HIS ORANGE PANTS WITHOUT HIS DINASOUR CAP WITH HIS HAIR STILL WET he then looks at you and smiled dont ask me. You know your going crazy imagining that yeah welcome gurl. HHAHAHAHAH you blushed and But stil didnt smile back as you were still worried about the wounds, you went to him and opened the emergency kit and started to treat his wounds, boboiboy kept staring you as he saw you didnt smile an inch after seeing him infront of the dorm "hey, whats wrong ? You arent smiling an inch lately.." "Haih hey, how can i smile with you keep having This type of wounds ? Im worried you idiot.." Boboiboy kept looking at you knowing that your mad at him, finally you were done treating the wounds, you get up, took the emergency kit "im going to My dorm. Goodnight." You wanted to go But then boboiboy holds your hand then he pulls you as you were going backwards then he hugges you from behind you were utterly shocked and dropped the emergency kit, he tightens the hug and puting his face at your shoulders you were BLUSHING dont ask. "Dont be mad Okay ? Im sorry for making you worried.. dont be mad.. pweeaaseee" you turned around releasing the back hug and went to hug him putting your head at his chest. "Okay fine, but be more careful next time alright ? I don't like it seeing you with this wounds.." he smiled and hugged you back by hugging your head "yesh okey okey" you guys smiled then released the hug " okay I'm going back to my dorm alright? See you tomorrow!" " Okay ! Goodnight.." you smiled and went to your dorm.

"Hey.." "NO!! DONT GO PLEASE!! PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME! PLEASE.." you opened your eyes shocked with heavy breathing "WTF WAS THAT- it was boboiboy's voice. But blank ? What.." you were still confused but also sleepy then tried to sleep but couldn't. "Aishh that dream is bothering me.." THING! a notification was heard from your phone you went to take it then peeked at the screen, it was boboiboy, "ehh why is he awake at This time ?" You opened the char then saw his message

< y/n you awake ?
>yeah why ?
<do you want to go the cafeteria with me ? Im hungrryy
You chuckeld seeing the Message "why is he so freaking cute all the time"
>Okay, meet you there.

You then get up releasing your bun, fixing your bangs then went to the cafeteria. While watching your phone. Then you heard footsteps from behind you turn around there was nobody, you were limfa scared that time, "whos there ?" You asked, But nobody answered, you just sighed and turned around then saw boboiboy "BAA!" "AAAAHHHH" you fell bit boboboiy got you by holding your hand and waist "WTF- BOBOIBOY ?!" "OPS! Sorryyyy didn't thought you would fell" "boboiboy you scared me !" "Sorryyy" you then chuckled "nah it's fine"  "you sure ?" " yeah yeah ofcs I'm fine silly !" You guys both chuckled then went to the cafeteria, when you guys arrived, you went to the kitchen cabinet "what do you wanna eat btw ?" "Hmmm what about some Maggie ? I didn't eat that for a long time alreadyyy" "kari flavour ?" "Sounds okay to me" you guys then cooked the maggie together and then served it in the cafeteria (OUH if you guys don't no, Maggie is a type of ramen but a Malaysia one that is called 'Maggie' there are a lot of flavours as there are tomyam,ayam,kari and yeah a lot more. You can search it in google or safari for more info :v) you smell the bowl with shimmering eyes looking at the Maggie boboiboy smiled and slurped in the Maggie (OUH LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT THE MAGGIE LOOKS LIKE)

 You can search it in google or safari for more info :v) you smell the bowl with shimmering eyes looking at the Maggie boboiboy smiled and slurped in the Maggie (OUH LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT THE MAGGIE LOOKS LIKE)

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Yeahhh ITS FREAKING GOOD DONT ASK you guys can try it if you didn't try it yet! Buttt if you wanna cook the soup ? You must not put a lot of water in it if not the taste will not be there.


Okey okey continue..

"Yep good as always!" You also had some, after a while the bowl was empty as your stomach was full AS HELL. "That was soo goooddd" boboiboy chuckled then stared at you, you were quite confused on why he was staring like that "you have some kari soup there.." "AH WHERE" you wiped your whole face but still couldn't get the stain of boboiboy smiled and then took his hands out "come here silly" he wipes the stain at your mouth as you blushed "tha-thanks.." there was awkward silence between you. You tried to break the silence and trying to find a question to ask him then suddenly your mouth opened up "Uummm who.. exactly do you have a liking on-" WAIT WTF DID I JUST ASKED WAIT Y/N WTFFFF "e-eh ?" Boboiboy just simply blushed "ehh- n-nobod-ee-"

Guys I'll do a part 2 for chapter 9 tomorrow! I'm quite tired so yeah OKAY BUBYE BABYS 🤍

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