Chapter 1

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Kendra's POV:

Upset, Angry, Betrayed and in complete disbelief over all the information that was crammed down my throat in the short time since I've been home. 

This was the last sort of 'Welcome Home' that I'd expected and I had expected a lot of bad scenarios but this one didn't cross my mind because I thought that Jax and I had had an understanding.I'd had plenty of time to think hard on that thought as the last three hours passed since I had washed down, changed into scrubs and started working on saving not only the OD'd patient(AKA Jax's latest Fling) but also a fetus that was at risk. I was working along side Tara, Jax's other Ex-girlfriend... My, Am I sensing a theme? I certainly hope not, because by the end of the day, I'd end up in Jail with no money to bail myself out, I'd have to ask Gemma to front the cash for my Bail.

After we had gotten the Baby Boy out of Wendy, we had some time to see what damage was done to her, be it from herself or others and it was clear that Wendy's hands and feet were full of tracks. Yep, this was most certainly Jax's Crank whore... deep breaths not judging, but pissed off that he'd sunk this low, hopefully he couldn't go any lower.

"She seems to have stabilized, but I'm worried they're going to charge her with fetal abuse... how can we help this poor woman?" Tara sighed whilst I scoffed in disappointment and I shook my head. Apparently I stand corrected, he went lower... 'this poor woman' Tara says? Really I don't understand why we're feeling sorry for someone who did this to herself and her poor unborn child. It's the baby Tara should be concerned with!

"Not trying to sound judgmental here Tara, but she's been hitting up a Crank dealer, might I remind You WHILST SHE WAS PREGNANT? She set herself up for a court case, she all but killed this child and you want to stand up for her-" I was saying when I realized this was Tara I was talking too, I mean she'd just as soon feel bad for a Drunk driver... for drinking and being drunk! "Yeah, never mind seeing as it's you I'm talking to who's making excuses for this woman it all makes sense. So go ahead feel bad for the Druggie and forget that she nearly killed an innocent baby. Now remember Tara, it's the drugs fault, not hers." I Sarcastically replied to her with a hand on my waist looking at her disgust clear in my facial expression and was trying my best not to hang myself from the stupidity level in the room, how the hell did she manage to get her Doctors Degree? 

Tara scoffed, rolled her eyes at me and looked like she was barely keeping herself from punching me or flipping me off, not that I didn't deserve whatever she might throw my way for all the Sarcasm I was throwing her way, but there was never any love lost between the two of us because there was only one thing that we had in common... or should I say Who we both had in common, Jax.

Just as I was turning from Wendy to go see how Jax's son was doing, I saw Jax, speak of the devil... who was of course followed closely by Clay, Gemma, Chibs and Bobby. They looked horribly out of place as they strode into the NICU, so before I faced them I took a few deep fortifying breaths readying myself for their barrage of questions and concerns.

I disconnected myself emotionally from the current situation so I'd remain on point and hopefully remain professional; I wiped my hands on my scrubs a nervous habit of mine and walked out the door with Tara following closely behind me.

"What the hell happened?" Jax asked barely giving me time to open my mouth to tell him what was going on and I warily shook my head at him. "When's the last time you saw her?" Tara asked, just when I was about to explain it to him and I sent her a look that would make lesser men cower.

"A couple of weeks, why?" Jax asked nervously as he looked from Tara and I, to Wendy who was passed out in the hospital bed and I forced myself to stay professional despite wanting to ask him what the hell went on in the Six years I was away.

SAMCRO's Hope (Breaking Bad Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora