"Yes, in fact, I find the idea of watching you to actually be rather dull. To suggest otherwise would be a little self important, don't you agree?" My jaw is scraping the ground as the tall faerie stretches out his dark wings and throws me another one of his sarcastic glares, folding his arms across his chest in the process.


"Ah...the mortal is at a loss for words. Shocking," the faerie gives me a casual smile that almost has me falling onto my ass, "I shall truly enjoy your silence as your voice normally is quite shrill." As if to emphasize his point, he takes a long finger and pretends to clean out one of his pointed ears.

All I can do is blink, once...twice...

"You are such a stalker!" I finally manage to blurt out and Harry's dark brows furrow together in confusion.

"And what, pray tell, is a stalker?" A slight lift of his brow as he awaits my answer. He places a hand onto his hip, impatience pouring out of his stance.

"You followed me! You sat there in your little fox form and watched me like a creep!" That was how he'd known about Hew helping me. He'd watched us the entire time.

What else had he seen in that animal form by the river?

I almost want to cover my chest self consciously but from the flippant wave of his hand, he already knew the direction my thoughts had gone.

"Don't flatter yourself human. You have nothing I haven't seen before," he states as if that is comforting, "besides...," he turns and begins to walk towards the direction of the woods that are still living, "your figure doesn't appeal to me...in that way."

Um...ouch? I visibly wince out of reflex for being called "unappealing" but then remember that this being is a literal monster and immediately feel better.

"Well...good! I'm glad!" My words feeling more defiant and matter of fact than necessary. By the half lidded gaze Harry tosses over his shoulder, he finds my attitude just as unappealing as my features.

"Do come along human. Quit dawdling." I roll my eyes and obey his command... for once.

Marching along through the glen that leads towards the river, my mind wanders to the night before. I cannot fathom the behavior exhibited by Harry last night. It was literally night and day compared to how he usually treats me...which is with sullen dismay. It was unnerving to have witnessed him be something other than rude and positively evil.

Smacking a branch out of the way that he deliberately placed in my path, I bite my tongue. I have so many questions. I have so many things running through my mind and I have to force myself to remain quiet. He doesn't like questions...especially personal questions if Hew's warning was to be taken seriously...but...

"Why do you hate me so much?" I rush out before I can stop myself. I just know Death is peeking over my shoulder and clapping giddily when Harry comes to an abrupt stop mid step.

I can swear the shadows in the trees loom ever closer as he slowly turns towards me. His expression completely vacant as he stares me down. I fidget helplessly.

"What makes you think you are so special that you are the only human deserving of my ire?" He has me there. If I'd learned anything in the weeks since I'd been in Faerie, it's that Harry has a tumultuous past with humans, so much so that others knew of it and scorned him for it. But...I want to know why and if that means sounding desperate for his kindness than so be it.

"Well...you did steal me away and every time I speak or you happen to catch my eye you make your disgust of me very well known so...sorry if I take that personally Harold." He lifts his elegant brow once more and I know I'm in trouble.

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