Chapter I

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Chapter I

"Come closer, Mabel," a shape in the shadows whispered.

The glittery girl named Mabel approached the voice. "H-hello? Do you know where I am?"

"Yes, Mabel. Welcome to the dreamscape, kid." the shape whispered.

Mabel gasped, and suddenly she was falling. Pictures fell along with her. Those of Dipper, her Great Uncle Stan, the Mystery Shack. Then those of Dipper, lying dead on the floor, covered in a pool of his own blood. Stan with blinding white eyes and a murderous smile plastered onto his face. The Mystery Shack, crushed under the weight of, a triangle? What was Mabel looking at?

The sparkly girl started spinning. Her brown, puffy hair enveloped her, grabbing hold of her neck. Mabel attempted to scream, but no sound came out. She was gasping for air, frantically clawing at the hair on her neck. When the mass of brown wouldn't budge, she brought her hands up to her face. Upon them was Mabel's own blood, dripping into the cracks of her fingers. She felt the hair release her neck. As Mabel tried to take in a breath again, a sharp pain shot through her. She had clawed out her windpipe. Mabel looked at her hands again, watching as the blood took over her fingers.

Why? she whispered in her mind. Mabel fell over onto some solid surface. The last thing she heard before she blacked out was, "It's been so long since I've had a meatsuit like you".

Then her vision went dark.


Mabel woke with a start. She touched her throat, making sure it was still whole. When she was satisfied with the fact that she was breathing, Mabel turned and looked Dipper.

"Oh man. What am I going to say to Dipper and Stan?" she whispered to herself.

Nothing a voice in her mind told her.

Mabel flinched, thinking that the voice had spoken to her aloud. Then she relized it was all in her head.

Hello? she said in her mind. Are you still there?

Mabel sighed, lying back down.

"Whatever..." she whispered, falling back into a dreamless sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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