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-cuddles all the time

-he's always nervous around you

-you force him to watch movies with you

-he buys you the most random things

-longs talks about hockey

-lots of hockey practice

-cute nicknames


-you stealing his hoodies and clothing

-making sure he's okay when he gets hurt playing hockey because he's a fragile lil bean

-him always worrying about you


-playing hockey a lot

-him cheering you on while playing hockey

-hugs, lots and lots of hugs

-random rants about hockey

-going to the diner a lot

-calming him down a lot (tbh charlie has bad anger issues)


-kisses, like countless amounts are kisses

-you constantly having to help him stop

-watching the sandlot numerous  times just because you think he looks like Benny but he doesn't see it

-going shopping

-you always putting a cowboy hat on him because he looks cute in one

-him teaching you how to speak Spanish (Only if you don't know how)

-calling each other nicknames

-him always playing with your hair

-and you getting jealous because there are always girls all over him

-him making you feel better because you're always jealous


-if you are dating Dean your best friend is automatically  your, like, brother

-hanging out a lot

-listening to music

-going to concerts

-pillow fights

-tackling each other for fun

-hang out with him and Fulton


-hangouts with him and Dean

-going to the movies

-ice cream dates

-him teaching you how to do his slap shot

-playing with each others hair

-jumping on his bed for no apparent reason

-hand holding


-going on horseback rides

-you trying to imitate his accent (If you don't already of a country accent)

-you stealing his hat

-playing lasso tag on ice all the time

-him teaching you how to lasso

-helping him in school

-cheering him up after the boys pick on him

-playing pranks on him


-you tell him he looks like DeNunez from the sandlot

-going out in public just to roast people

-calling each other names

-watching movies

-playing street hockey all the time

-laughing at each other's jokes


-hand holding


-picking on each other

-telling him that you are better than him at hockey for a joke

-lots of dates

-inside jokes


-dealing with his problems

-supporting  all his decisions

-pizza dates

-math study sessions

-cheering him up when the ducks bully him





-playing with each others hair

-teaching him how to skate

-movie dates

-stealing his hoodies

-cheer him up when he's having a "bad hair day"

(So yeah this was a lot harder than expected)

The Mighty Ducks & Sandlot PreferencesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz