Chapter 4: The Subject

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(Please play the song above for an enhanced reading.)

Felix's POV:
Something's wrong. Something is really really wrong. She doesn't seem like someone who would run away like that. It must be bad. But by the time I was thinking about this, my feet were already running down the corridor, following her. I could hear her friend running behind me but my long legs helped me reach to her quickly. I saw her enter the girl's washroom with her hand held tightly over her mouth. By the time I reached, I couldn't stop myself and I slammed the door open but what I saw, chilled my spine.

There she was, sitting down on the floor and panting hard with her soiled mouth, fervent tears streaming down her face but with a helpless smile on her face. But the most..... unsettling thing were her eyes. They held so much. Anger, Resentment, exhaustion, disgust, helplessness and the most prominent, pain. So so so much pain. I heard her friend stop beside me, and just when she was about to collapse, he immediately reached for her and took her in his arms carrying her unconscious form to the infirmary. "Leave her, Newbie. I will take it from here. Thanks anyway."

I stood there, frozen. Numb. For a moment, it was as if the world had stopped. I understand the bully was being an inappropriate bastard, but the way she blanched at his touch, it was......weird. Extreme. And then it clicked to me. This made me come back to my senses. She wasn't like this before when I saw her at night........

I whipped out my phone and typed quickly,
"There's something we missed. Definitely something," my fingers hovered over the keyboard, unsure of what to type next, "Get the subject's file.Meet me at the place at 19:00."

Maybe we didn't dig in her past enough. The reason of her reaction to what happened must be there.

And the worst part?

I dreaded what I would find out.


Shivali's POV:

I was laying down on the bed in a peaceful slumber. Hands on my stomach, breathing evenly, all I could think of how quiet and serene I felt. Perfectly calm. This made my lips form into a small smile, wishing I could stay like this for a little while longer.
But suddenly, I felt an unexpected movement in my back. It was as if the movement started from my butt and was going upward, along the line of my spine. I reached my hand around to feel exactly what it was. But what I saw, made me scream out in disgust and fear. A red centipede almost the size of my palm weaving around my fingers. I shook my hand vigorously to get rid of the creepy creature, but when it did fall, I saw thousands more crawling towards me. I tried to get out of the bed, but I realised that my hands and legs, free before, were now bound by ropes on the either side. I felt my head being forced down on the bed, as if someone had grabbed my neck and pushed me down. The creatures now crawled all over my paralyzed body. My voice was hoarse from screaming loudly. My throat hurt. And the last thing I could see was a blurry face and green eyes, until a centipede moved over my eyes, enveloping them in darkness.

I jolted awake, breathing heavily, tears streaming down my face and throat parched as a desert. I moved my hands over my face, to make sure the crawlies still weren't on my face, and could find none. I felt a cautious hand remove mine from my face slowly and I saw the concerned eyes of Akaash who seemed to be on the verge of crying too.

He held my hands in his and said, "It's okay.You are okay. You're safe." He kept repeating it until his words actually sank in.

It wasn't real. It was just a nightmare. It wasn't real at all.

Akaash, put his arms around me, not really touching me. He was scared. Cautious again. But when I clung to his jacket, he hugged me tightly, stroking my hair as I broke down, sobbing uncontrollably on his shoulder.

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