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Turners POV

After we found y/n I was filled with joy and worry and other emotions I was so great full we finally found as I say "cmon we have to get her on the truck" and Daniels helps me get his unconscious sister in the truck and we gently laid her on the bear furr on the trunk and used a lynx fur as a pillow then Akela jumps on the trunk and so do I and a few of the platoon I then cuddle y/n to keep her warm and wrap my arms around her small pale weak form and the blanket around her and then Pierson asks me "do we head back to camp sir?" And I nod saying "yes we don't have time to go to a near by hospital go" and our driver drives the truck heading down the road back to camp and then Daniels says "I can't thank you enough guys I'm just glad to have my sister back" and I nod and say "so am I Daniels I'm glad to have your sister back too" and he nods and looks at her stomach in shock and I say "what's wrong" and he says "I'm guys I think she might be pregnant" and everyone is in shock and I say "that must be mine" and they all yell 'OOOHHHHH' and my face is red like a tomato just then we hear and see y/n starting to wake up

Your POV

My eyes slowly flutter open to see I'm in a trunk in a truck and I see turner who is holding me in my arms and Akela being my pillow and ikoros following the truck and I see stiles zussman and my brother red and I see Pierson who is driving and I say "what...happened...where...is...Metz" and turner says "it's ok y/n he is dead and we can go home sorry about your target" and I say weakly "it's...ok...he...was...going...to...die...anyway" and he then says with worry "here just drink some water" and I drink some water as he brings me my canteen and then says "y/n? When did you find out you were pregnant?" And I say weakly "I...found...out...a...month...after...I...was...captured" and he then says "I'm not letting you or our baby outta my sight" and I weakly give a salute saying "yessir" and then he says with his hand on my stomach and the other around my waist "go back to sleep y/n you'll need it" and I nod and slowly fall asleep and cuddling him while hearing Daniels saying "well looks like I'm gonna be an uncle"
I felt the truck come to a halt and then felt I was being carried hearing voices around me being muffled and then later on when I woke up in a medical and fluttering my eyes a bit and see turner and Daniels sitting next to me and my hand in turners and my other in my brothers and I say weakly "how long was I out for" and then turner scooted closer to me saying "it's ok y/n the dr and nurses fixed you up and the baby is ok" and I nod and say to my brother "has hazel given birth yet brother?" And he nods and says "yeah she has and she can't wait to meet you big sister" and I nod and say "can't wait to meet her too and my new nephew or niece" and then red says "she gave birth to my son" and I say "good now he can be just like his daddy" and he chuckles and say "and I'm sure your child will be just like you" and I chuckle and then I realized I was in the camp and I try to get up but turner says "no no you need to rest" and I say "have we won the war yet?" And ye nods and says "ye it's over we can go home beautiful" and I say "I've been far from Texas for too long" and red says "yes you have same with me but you have not been in Texas for years" and then Davis walks in and turns to me and says "y/n may I see you outside" and I nod and walk out and see the platoon gathered outside and then Davis speaks "we are grateful you have returned y/n and you are the very first USA woman soldier to fight in this war with us and your the very first war hero as a woman and also a big role model to so many woman and as this day forward I announce that you y/n arrow Daniels are a sergeant and we invite you to help us fight in the next war against Japan will you accept our offer" and I say with a salute "yes sir" and then Davis says "then I trust that you lead your own platoon into battle and work along side turner" and I nod and salute he then salutes back and the platoon chants my name and then Davis says "you are the strongest and toughest badass woman I've ever met y/n" and I thank him and say to turner "cmon sir let's head back to base


After Davis gave his speech back in base and announced that woman are allowed to join the frontlines army everyone headed home on the ships and turner decided to head to Texas with me since well he decided to sell his house to live with me after I bought a farm house close to my brother and me my brother and turner said our goodbyes to stiles who went home to his wife and kid aiello who went home to his gal and family and zussman who went home to his family and Pierson stayed to lead a platoon to Vietnam war and then me and my brother and turner headed home back on the ship and it's going to be days till we get back home while we where on the ship it was dark and I got on a nightgown and it was a bit tight because my stomach and I felt arms around my waist and hear turner say "cmon beautiful let's get some rest" and I say with a raised brow "I thought I told you not to go behind me like that" and he whines "what I'm not allowed to surprise my future wife" and my eyes widen and I say "wait what?" And I turn to see turner on his knee with a ring he was holding and he says "will you be future mrs turner and be my wife" and tears run down and say "yes" and he puts the ring on and we start making out and then my brother ruined the mood as he walks in and sees me and then the ring and says "wait do you guys?" And I nod and say "yes baby brother me and turner are getting married" and he hugs me and I hug back and he then says to turner "welcome to the family future brother in law" and we all laugh and then red heads back to his room and I get into bed and under the covers and then turner get ready for bed and had his pajama pants on but no shirt and is shirtless and says to me while noticing my blush "like what ya see" and I throw a pillow at him but he caught it and gets into bed with me and I see Akela on the dog bed and ares is asleep on the small bed and ikoros is chilling while sitting on the window and me and turner fall asleep while cuddle with his arm around my stomach and the other on my leg saying "good night love you beautiful" and I say "good night love you handsome"

Well I hope you enjoyed that

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