Chapter 4 - New Arrival

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Chapter 4 - New Arrival

"...Curious, hyper-lethal. There's only one other spartan with that rating..."

Catherine Halsey

A man prepares for his final stand. The bodies of fellow soldiers litter what will also be his final resting place. He has turned the key, opening humanity's future so that they may survive, but now he stands knowing what will happen next. Two Banshees fly overhead signally to him that more will be on their way soon. If he is going to die, he's going to take as many of them with him as he can. He remembers all that he's been through, the death of his whole team resounds through his memories so vividly. A voice echoes around him as the first of many phantoms appear to drop off his adversaries.

"You have done what had to be done, and you face an end because of it."

"Strange? Must be my mind coping with this." The soldier Charged forward as those he faces spot him. Again the voice echoes.

"But you still have much to learn, your trials do not end here."

"Enough." He fights with his all for hours on end, swarms fall under his gun fire, but he will not be walking away from this fight standing. He is under heavy fire from their plasma weapons and it won't be long before he'll be overwhelmed. For a third time the voice echoes.

"As I have said to to the one who comes after you, you have not earned your right to rest."

"What is going on? It won't be long now. Come at me!" He gets hit by many of their blasts. His visor is cracked making it harder to see and decides to abandon it in order to die breathing real air. With his helmet gone he disconnects his energy shield. More and more begin to surround him and he realises it's almost over. The voice echoes once more.

"Time will change and you with it. Time will tell how you fare." His vision goes white as light engulfs the battle field. He wonders what's happening. Then before he knows it, all he sees is black.

The group are resting in the safety of a house on the third story of a housing complex. The home belongs to a friend of Ms. Shizuka who was given an emergency key to the building. The two boys are working on cracking a safe in the bedroom. The girls are enjoying a long awaited bath. Chief is on the balcony looking out over the city. Cortana is searching through a desktop computer for any new information on the outbreak as well as the mysterious UNSC file that she saw on the computer in the other building. The words of the voice echoing inside both their minds. What could it mean? What did they have to learn? As soon as they arrived at the home, everyone completely forgot to ask questions about the two unknown entities that were traveling with them.

Chief looks out over the destruction that has been left in this crisis. He had witnessed countless destroyed cities and even colonies at the hand of the covenant, but the amount of destruction caused by a simple mutation in the rabies virus surprised him. He had saved the galaxy a number of times, but how would he stop this new catastrophe. Then there was the voice. A deep dreadful voice, which was similar to that of the gravemind, seemed to have a plan for him, a lesson for him to learn before he could return to his own time, but something was off. He recalled the voice said he was not the only one to learn. This grouped with the glimpse of a UNSC file in this time made him ponder who else was being put through this and what had to be done in order for this to end.

"Hey we could use your help, this things a bit harder to open then we expected," Takashi said walking out onto the balcony. "Along with that, I feel you still owe us a few answers if possible." Knowing he would find the answers he wanted sooner or later, Chief took his mind off the subject and followed the young man.

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