Unfortunately, you reacted faster than you thought. Scenes blinded your sight. A little boy saw a woman lying in bed through a crack in the door. He tried to get to her, but kept being pulled away. The scene changed to a harbor landscape. Several marines shot a ship when a man went down next to you. A painful scream escaped you. Change of scene. You held a blue fruit in your hand and hesitated before devouring it. Change of scene. You kneel in front of a man who is very elegantly dressed. His head was covered with a protective bubble.
"I want Trafalgar Law - we'll let him go if you bring him to me."

A scream made you startle. You followed the sound only to see Amarie going down, blood dripping from her throat. Your heart stopped. No! Jean Bart's plaintive roar made the ship shake.
"Another move against my will," Aluca continued. "And the next one is on."
Your tearful gaze went up to Law. You saw that he was wrestling with himself. His hands were shaking with anger. So you would make the next decision for the two of you.
You got up and clenched your hands into fists, you tried hard not to look at Amarie's grimacing face.
I hope you are forever free now, my friend. Fly far away where no one will find you.
Aluca's men handcuffed you in seastone. You noticed how you lost your composure, about the loss of your freedom, your friend, your new family, when you got off the submarine.

Aluca's ship anchored on the other side of the harbor. It resembled a navy tanker and seemed very sturdy. The loading ramp was lowered for you and you went on deck. There Law and you were brought to our knees. You met his gaze, which asked how you were feeling. Your cheeks were sticky with tears. Your heart was still crying for Amarie.
A prisoner was brought to you and on his knees in front of you as well. He was trembling all over and seemed starved. You could literally smell his pain and you shuddered. Your whimpering did not go unheard because you heard Law growl darkly.
Such negative energy emanated from this man that you dreaded what was about to happen. You could literally feel it. Aluca pulled you up roughly, your sea stone hands and his gloves blocking your strength. He pushed you in front of the prisoner.
"We're looking for a devil fruit and he knows where it is. I want you to search his memories."
Your eyes found those of the old man who seemed so lost that sheer horror must dominate his soul. You could tell he didn't want to do this to you, but Aluca didn't seem patient. He put a blade on Law's hand.
"Do it or your lover is a helpful body part shorter."
You took a deep breath, almost screaming. His aura reached you from afar. People who had experienced terrible trauma sent a kind of signal for you not to get too close. That was one of the protective effects of your fruit. But you didn't have a choice. You would also have to take on this fate, never again finding peaceful sleep.
You nodded to Aluca and he gave one of his men the order to free you from the handcuffs with a movement of the head.
"I'm sorry ..." the old man whined.
"Shhh." You calmly raised both hands. You carefully approach his temples before touching them. What happened after that made you lose consciousness.

 What happened after that made you lose consciousness

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You woke up in a kind of cell. It was dark and icy cold. Law was handcuffed against the wall; only the light of the single porthole throwing a little glow on his tanned skin. You tried to sit up but felt so weak. The sea stone robbed you of your strength.
"(Y / N) -ya!" Law called out when he saw your pathetic attempts of movement. You crawled a little over to him, only to slump in front of his legs.
"What ... happened ..."
"You passed out," Law said dryly, swallowing hard.
"I ... this man. Is he alright?"
Law opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. At the same moment these terrifying images caught up with you and you doubled over in pain. Screams escaped you with your last strength in an attempt to chase those terrible memories away. Law yelled at you, but he seemed so far away.
The next time you came to yourself, it seemed to be day because the light appeared brighter. Law was asleep. Your heart was racing dangerously fast and could not calm down. You had to find a way to process or even block these terrible memories as quickly as possible. It just had to be possible. Every time one of the ghastly images popped up, you winced and shuddered. Icy breath escaped your lips and you felt that you were completely stunned.
Law stretched and when he saw that you were awake, his eyes widened. "(Y / N) -ya!"
"It gets better ... every time I wake up. But it's so cold. "
"We are apparently near a winter island and therefore surrounded by an arctic ocean. That cools the keel and turns our deep, new home into a refrigerator. "
You moaned hard because your head was buzzing so much. "Sounds like a great day."
"I'm sure it has been longer - maybe a week already?"
Law was breathing hard. He too seemed to be freezing. "If they don't give us anything to eat or even to drink, tomorrow we'll probably be ..."
You leaned against the wall and enjoyed that something supported your back. "Maybe it would be better that way."
"I made a promise," Law said stiffly. Then he looked at you. "Did you see what they ..."
"What." You said with a growl.

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