"Look what washed up." She was carrying a suitcase and a bag. "Oh, my God! It's my bag!" Martha jumped forward grabbing her suitcase from Shelby's hands. "Marty. Jackpot." Toni smiled standing up and walking over to Martha. "All right, well, that's one down. Who does this belong to?" Shelby held up the bag covered in pins and different chains. "Jeanette's." "Damn, this is definitely her bag." Rachel unzipped it. "Damn. Didn't expect this from Jeanette." Rachel held up a bottle of vodka for everyone to see. "Punk fucking rock." Ana stood up and walked over to Fatin who took a drink handing it over to her. Ana hesitated for a moment before taking the bottle and taking a sip. Her face scrunched at the burn, Fatin giggling as she watched her.

"Soap!" "Two-in-one?" Fatin asked disgusted, Martha nodded happily before setting it back down and digging through her bag again. "Uno!" "Okay, Martha, I like Uno. We all like Uno, but if you throw a party over one more nonessential item in that bag of yours, I swear to God..." "Yeah, the two-in-one shampoo/conditioner was a true low point." Ana took another sip before handing it back to Fatin and looking over meeting Toni's eyes. Annoyance, anger, or both clouded her eyes, but Ana didn't know why. "What's wrong with it? It smells like pears." "It's a two-step process. Shampoo, then conditioner." Ana laughed, shaking her head sitting down on the sand beside Martha. "All right, let's see what else she's got." Rachel dumped the bag out onto the sand.

"Oh, my god, guys, she has a fucking lighter. Jeanette is a fucking miracle!" "Man, I mean, like, I took her for a straight edge, but turns out she drinks, she smokes." "She brought, like, 20 benzos to a weekend getaway." "Jeanette was actually living that Amy Winehouse life? I'm shook." "RIP." "To Amy or Jeanette?" "Both. Obviously." "Good find, Shelby. I mean, this is huge." Dot complimented, the look of hesitancy still somewhat clear on her face. "Thanks. I just got lucky, really." Ana stared forward far out of her mind, not listening to the conversation hearing Martha thank Shelby then Leah's voice then yelling.

"It's like a deus ex machina." "It's like a what?" "It is, like, this perfect little thing that somehow has everything that we need, and I...I find it really fucking creepy that you found this just like you did before." "So, like, what are you saying exactly?" "I don't know. I don't know. I think something pretty fucked is going on here, and I think somebody knows all about it." "Leah." Ana said softly standing up and walking over to her. "Breathe. The paranoia is getting to you, the tide probably brought it in, just like the medical bag. Remember what we talked about?" Leah took in a deep breath nodding looking down at her feet. "Let's just check the bag, and we'll see it's just like everyone else's, minus Fatin." Ana nodded turning around. Leah knelt down in front of the bag as everyone crowded around it.

"Seriously?" Leah held up a box. "Water purification tablets? There's enough protein bars to last us forever. There's warm clothes. There's more meds. Why the fuck would Jeanette bring this shit to a casual retreat in Hawaii?" Leah stood up running at Shelby. "Who gave you this bag, and what the fuck do you know?" "Leah, settle down." Dot got in between Shelby and Leah. Ana leaned forward grabbing a booklet from the ground brushing the sand off of it reading the words at the top. "I...I just want everybody to think about this for like two seconds. Think about what Shelby has done. She has found not one but two magical, lifesaving bags. She is persistently optimistic, almost as if she knows that we are not in actual danger. She uses icebreaker after icebreaker-" "Leah." "-to pump us for information-" "Leah." "-like some sort of slumber party spy, and not to mention, she didn't eat any of the fucking mussels!" "Leah!"

Leah went silent looking at Ana who held up a small booklet. 'How to Survive Any and All Disasters' was painted across the top in bold letters. "Jeanette was a survivalist. She has like three of these!" Ana pointed at the books on the ground. Leah looked at her then at Shelby before snatching the light away from Dot. "Hey, what the hell? Give me the lighter back!" "Tell us who you're working for. Just tell us what you know." "Jesus Christ, Leah! She's not Jason Bourne, okay? Ana said Jeanette was a survivalist! And the tide brought those bags up! I...I've seen her rap on the morning fucking announcements!"

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