Chapter One

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The Calm Before The Crash

733 words

The plane was quiet. Quiet conversations, quiet breaths, quiet thoughts. Ana didn't like it, she sat with her earbuds in listening to the piano music that invaded her ears, her eyes closed with her head resting against the closed window. The girl next to her, Rachel, liked the silence until someone tapped her on the shoulder getting her attention. She looked over to see a blonde girl that looked similar to her smiling at her.

"Hey we're gonna play a game. Like a little icebreaker to get to know each other, thought you might wanna join in." Her thick Texan really caught Ana's attention as she nodded with a small smile. "Got it." The girl then walked off down the aisle way. "She's already getting on my nerves." Rachel then commented, Ana shook her head. "She's not that bad, just...cheery. Though I would much rather be listening to my music." The blonde girl then reappeared holding Toni by the shoulders, Ana smiled, her eyes drifting down to her hands. "Right about here, okay." Toni sat down on the floor in front of Ana putting her legs up and crossing her ankles.

"So, Ana, right?" Ana turned to Rachel and nodded. "You play any sports?" "No. Just piano and I did do ballet for a while." "You going to school for piano?" Ana nodded feeling Toni's eyes on her. "Yeah, hopefully Juilliard." "Nice. So you play basketball?" Rachel then turned to Toni as the man passing out cake continued by. Ana grabbed the plate listening to Toni's response, "Yeah, I used to. I got cut from the team for unsportsmanlike conduct. This bitch from another team kept fouling me, so I pissed in my hand and I threw it at her." Ana chuckled a little at the memory taking a small bite of the cake. "Were you good?" "Hell yeah. I was a beast on the court." Rachel seemed annoyed by this answer, shaking her head while leaning forward.

"People who waste their talent get on my nerves. If I missed even one meet based off of some foolishness on my part, I'd never forgive myself." Ana nodded again, she felt Toni's eyes on her. "As much as I agree, the girl was a bitch. But I do agree, if I messed up a performance in front of those judges because I fooled around or wasn't prepared, I'd probably off myself right there and then." Rachel nodded giving Ana a slight smile as she scooped some cake onto her phone. "In Toni's defense though, that girl deserved something thrown at her." Ana turned to Toni noticing a slightly angry expression on her face but it dissolved when Ana smiled at her kicking her in the ankle just a bit.

"What are you doing?" Toni then turned to Rachel noticing the cake on the phone. "I have an app that turns my phone into a digital scale." Toni laughed and took a huge bite on the cake she held in her hand. "So you got what it takes to get into Juilliard?" Rachel then asked after taking the bite of cake. "Hell yeah she does, you should hear her play it's great." Ana blushed at Toni's comment turning to shrug at Rachel. "Hopefully, I'm supposed to hear from them soon. My performance in front of the judges and the scouts was a few days ago." "Do you think you made it?" "Honestly, I have no idea. I really hope so though." Ana shrugged, Rachel nodded going back to her phone.

"So like, what are you planning to do once we get there?" Toni then asked, staring at Ana. "Not sure, the play by play they gave me said swimming with dolphins, something about cooking and yoga. So exciting." Toni laughed, taking her last bite of cake. "What about you?" Ana asked while looking down at her phone noticing a new email. "Same thing." "Holy shit Toni I-" The plane then began to shake making both girls look at each other in fear. Toni got up fast and grabbed Ana's hand and pulled her off the seat pulling her towards Martha all three sitting together as they felt the plane going down hugging onto each other for dear life. Ana could feel Toni's hand gripping hers so tight her hand was turning purple and going numb, little did she know that wasn't even the beginning.

Then there was darkness and the cold feeling of water enveloping her.  

𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐞Where stories live. Discover now