Long Time No See

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Hi! This is my first ever story so BARE with me please ;-; Let me know how did.

My whole life I've only known a little bit about gangs. I tend to focus on school and I only knew whatever Baji would tell me. He'd sometimes go on about his gang, "Tokyo Manji." He founded it with some of his friends. He would talk about it rarely but when he did I would always listen and admire how much he cared about his friends. He doesn't seem like the type to reveal it but it was there.

As we grew older and he got more and more involved with his gang and he eventually cut ties with me. I never knew why but it was very painful when we've been friends since childhood. It was difficult but I focused on my studies so I can pass the grade. Last thing I needed after losing my childhood friend was failing a grade. Yikes.

(A few years later)

The clock ticks, a few more minutes before class ends. At last, the bell finally rings after an eternity of what felt like hell. I went to my locker to grab my things and escape this prison. As I grab my things and close my locker. Baji is standing there. He startles me, what is he doing behind my locker after all these years? Now he wants to talk?

"I know I've ghosted you all these years but I've had a good reason. Meet with me later and I'll explain it then." Baji says before walking away. What was his deal? We don't talk for years and this is what he says to me? Not even a hello. So many questions go through my head But I have no choice but to go.

Some hours pass by, I meet Baji where he says to meet him at. I arrive and I see him sitting on the bench. I walk up and sit with him. I take a glance at him as he looks up into the sky and its deep blue color. He apologizes for going ghost without a word for all these years. "I didn't want you to get involved in the gang." He says. A cool breeze swift by as baji's hair flows in the wind.

I appreciate the apology but why did you not say anything? I look up only to notice him staring back at me. He suddenly seems more attractive than the last time we met. "I didn't know how you'd react given how close we were." He said. He looked down. He's such an idiot sometimes. It would've been better to tell me what was going on than going ghost on me. Silence fills the air. "The Gang hasn't been doing anything lately and we don't plan to for a while, So I wanted to use the time to catch back up with you."

I stand up. His eyes follow. We can catch back up only on one condition. "Oh, What is it then?" He responds. You take me to my favorite ice cream place. I haven't been there since I've been caught up with studying. I'll forgive you then.

He annoying replies with "fine." I smile as I follow behind him.

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