Chat Headcanons

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Phil's chat

Phil's chat are Crows, depending on how long a person has been apart of his chat, the older the crow is.

Examples: Hatching = A new fan who hasn't really watched any of his streams, Fledgling =  A newish fan who has tuned into his streams once or twice, Juvenile = Has been a fan for awhile and watches streams sometimes. Adult = Someone who watches their stream often.

Tommy's Chat

Moths, any kind of moths work, but generally Domesticated Silk Moths. Occasionally there will be Butterflies since Moths generally come out during the night, those watching streams during the day will appear as butterflies. But the butterflies will generally have the same colon scheme as a moth

Examples: The larger the moth the longer someone has been a fan of him/seen his streams (The largest moth breed is the Hercules moth which has a surface area of 300 square centimetres)

Techno's Chat

Voices, this is canon but I have my own twist on it. There are different types of voices depending on what kind of things they type in chat.

Examples: Red = The ones whom crave blood, Blue = The ones who tell him about their day, Pink = The voices who are wholesome but can crave murder on occasion, Purple = The wholesome/ones giving compliments, Yellow = The almost motherly voices who see an animal and go AWW, YOU SHOULD KEEP IT!

Tubbo's Chat

Bees, must I explain why?

Examples: Bees who are smaller than the average minecraft bee, though it is hardly noticeable.

Ranboo's Chat

Imagine that his chat were ender particles. 

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// Author's note: Not me listening to Fallen down for two hours straight //


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