The four of them attacked at the same time. Thor went in with his ax, Tony flew down, and Steve threw his shield while Holland threw balls of fire at him. "Okay, Thor. Hit me." Tony said. He was going to direct a blast at Thanos but channel more power through Thor hitting him with a lightning blast, and it worked. Then Holland saw as Steve went up against him, and Thanos knocked him down into a rock after he had just done the same with Tony.

"Steve!" Holland yelled. Now she was the one facing Thanos. Holland wrapped her hands with blue fire as she shot out a powerful blast toward him, but he held his weapon up in front of him to block the blow. Then he saw Thor coming up and threw his weapon out, but Thor slid under it before coming back up, and the two came at Thanos together. For every hit Thor gave him, Holland shot out another blast of fire toward him. Thor was able to knock away Thanos's weapon, but Thanos knocked Thor away. Kicked him down into more rubble, and then he turned to Holland.

He easily deflected her blasts of fire since they disintegrated in the air easily and didn't stick. He kicked her down onto a rock before grabbing her and throwing her in the opposite direction of another rock, and she hit her head, but she was still awake. Then Thanos put a heavy foot to her chest, which she knew she wouldn't have survived without the super-soldier serum and the energy from the Tesseract flowing through her. Thor was behind her and tried to summon his ax so he could help her, but Thanos caught it mid-air, and he brought it closer to her chest.

She thought this was it, and this was how she was going to die, and she only had one last thought in her head before waiting for the final blow. "I love you, James Buchanan Barnes." But then Thor's hammer slowly started to lift from the ground, and then it knocked Thanos off of her. Holland followed the direction of the hammer, expecting to see it go back to Thor's hands, but her jaw nearly dropped.

Steve was wielding it.

She remembered back before Ultron attacked them, they all took turns trying to lift Thor's hammer, and Steve almost did it, but now, seeing him actually holding it. Holland was awestruck. And she was so proud of him. But Steve was pissed since he just saw Thanos almost kill his best friend.

He ran at him and hit him upright with the hammer, and then he used his shield and his hammer; he threw the hammer into the shield, which sent out a sonic blast that caught Thanos off guard and as both things came back to Steve, he hit Thanos again. Then Holland stood from the ground as he summoned the lightning throughout the hammer. It ran its course on the ground to Thanos, completely covering him in lightning before Steve jumped in the air and came down and hit him in his chest.

And then, when he was about to hit him again, Thanos recovered, and he sent Steve flying. Thanos grabbed him by his neck and slammed him down onto the ground. "Steve!" Holland yelled as she shot out a surge of fire from her hands. Thanos turned and used his weapon to block her fire before he turned back to Steve. Steve was able to dodge one of his hits, but then Thanos swung his weapon and got Steve right through the leg. "Steve!" Holland yelled again as her best friend cried out in pain.

She was quickly on Thanos' heels as Thanos knocked Miljnor away from Steve and threw him down on the ground. And Holland shot out a circle of fire around Thanos to buy them some time, but he easily walked through it and started to bring down his weapon. Steve moved Holland out of the way as he held up his shield to block the blow, and then something happened that Holland never expected to see.

The shield cracked.

She didn't know vibranium could do that.

Thanos kept beating down on Steve's shield before he finally knocked him away, and Holland threw a couple of balls of fire up to his face before he swung his weapon down at her legs and cut her, which made her stumble and lose her balance, and then he threw her back and threw her down next to Steve. "Steve..." She whispered as she looked over at him. He rolled on his side to face her. They were both down, horrible.

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